Session: The Intersection of Aging & Sexual Identity: Social Issues & Methodological Challenges (Society for Social Work and Research 15th Annual Conference: Emerging Horizons for Social Work Research)

42 The Intersection of Aging & Sexual Identity: Social Issues & Methodological Challenges

Friday, January 14, 2011: 8:00 AM-9:45 AM
Florida Ballroom I (Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina)
Cluster: Sexual Orientation
Symposium Organizer:  Nancy P. Kropf, PhD, Professor & Director, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
As the population ages, the diversity that is present in older adults needs to be conceptualized in ways that truly address the breadth of experiences in later life. Although diversity based on sexual and gender identity is becoming more integrated into research with younger cohorts who are often more visible and vocal, research on the older population continues to lag. This generational difference leads to several complex and important methodological and social issues (Grossman, 2008). One is that identifying and recruiting older adults who are GLBT is more challenging than younger generations. Often older GLBT individuals may not identify themselves as gay or lesbian, for example, or continue to keep this identity hidden. Likewise, their own aging process may make them less apt to frequent places where younger GLBT cohorts are recruited in studies such as gay/lesbian centers or through technology and social media.

As a result, the needs and experiences of older GLBT individuals may not be understood in the context of the aging population. One area where there is a lack of understanding is in health care such as experiences with health professionals or access to care (e.g., Brotman, Ryan & Cormier, 2003; Genke, 2004). A second area is how sexual identity issues can influence family dynamics such as caregiving or intergenerational issues (e.g., Brotman & Richard, 2007; Hargrave, 2003).

The four papers included in this symposium will address research and social issues that are found at the intersection of aging and sexual identity. Two papers address health and social conditions, and two additional papers describe methodological strategies to enhance research. The initial presentation will address health disparities with GLBT older adults. This national study on physical and mental health status analyzes both risk and protective factors that exist in this population and the implications for providing more effective and comprehensive approaches in health care. A second paper addresses how sexual identity issues can shape intergenerational dynamics within families. This research identified different experiences of grandparents who discover that a grandchild is GLBQ. Findings suggest that the older cohort may be more accepting than expected, but may have less skills and knowledge to discuss these issues with younger generations.

Finally, two papers provide methodological strategies to enhance research about aging and sexual identity. One paper is an empirical analysis of two survey designs; one online and a second of traditional paper format. Findings indicate that using multiple methods to collect data from this group may increase sample diversity in the GLBT older population. The fourth paper describes methods to enhance data collection through engaging potential research sites to identify and gather samples of older GLBT individuals. In addition, ways to work through Institutional Review Board protocols will be overviewed.

* noted as presenting author
Over the Rainbow: Addressing Health Disparities Among LGBT Older Adults and Their Caregivers
Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, PhD, University of Washington; Hyun-Jun Kim, PhD, University of Washington; Charles A. Emlet, PhD, University of Washington
Grandparent's Responses to Learning That a Grandchild Is Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Queer
Kristin Scherrer, MSW, MA, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Surveying GLBT Elders: Methods That Work
Rosemany McCaslin, PhD, California State University, San Bernardino; Laurie Smith, PhD, California State University, San Bernardino
Gay & Lesbian Older Adults: Efforts to Reach Challenging Populations in Research
Noell L. Rowan, PhD, University of Louisville; David Jenkins, PhD, Texas Christian University
See more of: Symposia