Saturday, 14 January 2006 - 8:30 AM

Child Maltreatment: Assessment and Recidivism

Helen K. Mudd, PhD, Campbellsville University.

With a million children a year being abused, evaluating the likelihood of maltreatment is a key decision in the child protective process (English, 1998; McDonald & Marks, 1991). This quantitative study, conducted by a public child welfare professional, examined risk assessment and recidivism of child maltreatment to answer the research question: What is the relationship between child protective services provided by a child welfare agency and risk of maltreatment? Methodology A modified one-group pretest posttest design was utilized to assess the dependent variables, risk of maltreatment and recurrence of maltreatment, before and after casework services were provided. A chart review of existing data on 3,235 closed child protective services cases provided information about the reduction of risk of maltreatment assessed in the family and the rate of recidivism following case closure. Changes in risk of maltreatment were measured by the cumulative rating on the assessment tool, as well as by scores in the specific risk domains: maltreatment, sequence of events (how well the family is managing their high-risk situations), family development stages, family choice of discipline, adult patterns of behavior, child/youth development, and family support. The second dependent variable, recurrence of maltreatment, was measured by the number of reports of maltreatment investigated from the time of case closure through June 30, 2003. Paired t-testing, pearson product-moment correlation, factor analysis, and chi-square testing were used to analyze assessment scores and recurrent maltreatment. Findings Findings highlighted the success of solution-based casework in creating change. Factor analysis, using a verimax rotation, identified a new factor within the assessment tool. The Mudd factor was found to have an internal alpha coefficiency value of .85. Paired t-testing, comparing changes in opening and closing assessment scores by safety factor, cumulative score, type of abuse, and region of service found significant differences (p < .001), indicating that there had been a reduction in risk of harm. Variables found to be significantly related to reduction in risk included (a) the length of time a case was open for the current treatment episode, (b) region of service, (c) supervisor gender, (d) assessment individual risk domains, and (e) expertise of worker. Variables found to be significantly related to recurrence of maltreatment included (a) assessment safety rating and individual risk domains, (b) expertise of worker, (c) type of abuse, (d) number of substantiated referrals in case at closure, (f) a prior episode of treatment, and (g) geographic region of service. Implications for Practice This study on risk assessment and recurrence of maltreatment adds to the measurable outcomes of effectiveness for child protection services and enhances a public child welfare agency's ability to improve service delivery to families.

References English, D. (1998). The extent and consequences of child maltreatment. The Future of Children, 8(1), 39-52. McDonald, T., & Marks, J. (1991). A review of risk factors assessed in child protective services. Social Service Review, 65(1), 112-132.

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See more of Meeting the Challenge: Research In and With Diverse Communities (January 12 - 15, 2006)