Saturday, 14 January 2006: 4:00 PM-5:45 PM
Findings from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW): Applying Innovative Methods to Understanding Services and Outcomes for Maltreated Children
Organizer:Richard P. Barth, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Concurrent Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment: Characteristics Predicting Re-Report
Patricia Kohl
Profiles of Youth in Care: A Latent Class Analysis of Youth Satisfaction with Placement
Mimi V. Chapman, PhD
Substance Abuse Treatment and the Recurrence of Maltreatment among Caregivers with Children Living at Home: A Propensity Score Analysis
Richard P. Barth, PhD, Shenyang Guo, PhD, Claire Gibbons, Ph.D.
Placement Moves of Behavior Disordered Children in out of Home Care
E. Christopher Lloyd, MSW
Family Group Decision Making: an Analysis of Services for Children and Caregivers
Elizabeth Caplick
Abstract Text:
The National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW), authorized by Congress, is the first study of a national probability sample of children assessed following child abuse and neglect reports and investigation by child welfare services (CWS). The sample was drawn from 96 PSUs in 40 states; data were collected from children, caregivers, and child welfare workers. Two samples of children are included: 5504 children enrolled immediately upon receipt of a child maltreatment report (“core” sample), and 733 children enrolled after at least one year in foster care (“foster care” sample). Each group received standardized mental health and developmental measures for children, foster parents, and biological parents. Services provided to children and caregivers are also included. Data from the core sample are used.

This symposium will consist of five presentations, which focus on answering questions about child outcomes via the use of new analytic methods, including latent classification analysis, propensity score matching, multi-level modeling, and Poisson regression. The first paper addresses children's safety among families with concurrent domestic violence and child maltreatment, with particular interest in the relationship between familial and organizational characteristics, and repeated child maltreatment re-reports. The second paper focuses on children who were in foster care at baseline. A person centered analytic technique is used to define classes of youth who are distinguished by their differing experiences in foster care. The third paper examines the recurrence of maltreatment among children whose parents have an identified substance abuse problem. Propensity score matching is used to create a more precise comparison of outcomes for those children whose parents did and did not receive substance abuse treatment. THe fourth paper examines the use of Family Group Decision Making and assesses the subsequent services and case outcomes. The final paper examines placement moves for children in out-of-home care who have clinical behavior problems. Poisson regression is used to estimate the non-continuous count data as well as the correlation between time in care nad placement moves.

The analyses are all conducted on the NSCAW restricted release data set available through the Cornell National Data Archive for Child Abuse and Neglect.

See more of Symposium

See more of Meeting the Challenge: Research In and With Diverse Communities (January 12 - 15, 2006)