Friday, 13 January 2006: 8:00 AM-9:45 AM
Neighborhood Effects in Child Welfare
Intergenerational and Neighborhood Impacts on Youth Delinquency and Substance Use
Irene Ng, MSW, MA
Pathways of Antisocial Behaviors in Adolescents in Poor Neighborhoods: Examination of Predictors and Outcomes
Nan S. Park, PhD, Beom S. Lee, PhD, John M. Bolland, PhD, Fei Sun, MA
Neighborhood Influences on the Efficacy of a Model Program of Drug Use Prevention in Schools
Stephen Kulis, PhD, Scott Yabiku, PhD, Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, PhD, Benjamin Lewin, MA, Tanya Nieri, MA, Syed K. Hussaini, MA
Neighborhood Structure and Foster Care Entry Risk: The Role of Spatial Scale in Defining Neighborhoods
Bridgette Lery, MS

See more of Oral and Poster

See more of Meeting the Challenge: Research In and With Diverse Communities (January 12 - 15, 2006)