This was a secondary analysis of the Fragile Families data and our sample included 4,116 (Age: M = 28.23, SD = 6.09, range = 16 to 53) out of 4,231 mothers who were interviewed at the 3-year follow-up mother survey. The focal child's average age at the time of mother interview was 35.74 months (SD = 2.56, range = 30 to 50). Analysis consisted of Structural Equation Modeling with Mplus 5.0. The probability of mother's generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was measured by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview - Short Form (CIDI-SF: Kessler, Andrews, Mroczek, Ustun, & Wittchen, 1998) a standardized instrument for use in epidemiological, cross-cultural, and other research studies. A follow-up question captured symptom duration. Maternal involvement was measured by activities representing the mother's engagement with the child. Poverty was measured by ability to pay utilities, rent, buy food, etc. The child's anxiety was measured via maternal reports of anxious symptomatology in the child. Parental stress was measured by asking about difficulties in parenting such as feeling worn out, feeling overwhelmed with parenting, etc.
The model had good fit, Chi-Square = .000, CFI = .99, TLI = .99, RMSEA .05. Findings showed that the odds of mothers reporting parental stress was significant for the poorest mothers (OR 33, p<.000, 95% CI) and for mothers with anxious children (OR 1.05, p<.02, 95% CI). Furthermore, the poorest mothers reported fewer interactions with their children (OR 2.5, p<.000, 95% CI). The GAD mothers were less likely to report anxiety symptoms in their children (OR .96, p<.05, 95% CI), and as in previously published studies, we found that all mothers were more likely to report anxiety symptoms in their female than male offspring (OR 2.2, p<.000, 95% CI). There were no significant racial/ethnic differences or differences by marital status.
The findings suggest focal points for social work intervention as well as underscore the importance of both social and financial support for poor families. While we were not able to capture the direct effects of poverty on adult or childhood anxiety, such an explication maybe more promising in longitudinal analysis.