Abstract: Pathways from Acculturation Stress to Substance Use among Latino Adolescents (Research that Promotes Sustainability and (re)Builds Strengths (January 15 - 18, 2009))

9971 Pathways from Acculturation Stress to Substance Use among Latino Adolescents

Friday, January 16, 2009: 3:00 PM
Balcony I (New Orleans Marriott)
* noted as presenting author
Rachel Buchanan, PhD , Salisbury State University, Assistant Professor, Salisbury, MD
Paul R. Smokowski, PhD , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Associate Professor and Director, Latino Acculturation and Health Project, Chapel Hill, NC
Background and Purpose: Latinos are one of the largest growing groups in the United States. Large percentages of this population are under the age of 19 and have emigrated from Latin American countries. The stress associated with acculturating to another culture, in combination with the alarming rates of substance use among Latino adolescents, indicates a great need to understand the relationship between these two conditions. While there has been some research on the pathways between acculturation stress and substance use among Latino adolescents, the results have been inconsistent and lack consideration of both family and friend relationships along with adolescent mental health outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine the link between acculturation stress and substance use for Latino adolescents, taking into consideration the adolescent's mental health, family, and friend relationships. It was hypothesized that family and friend relationships as well as adolescent mental health would mediate the pathways from acculturation stress to substance use. This research serves as an initial step towards understanding these complex associations.

Methods: This study is part of the larger Latino Acculturation and Health Project; a longitudinal study of the acculturation experiences of Latino families in North Carolina and Arizona. In depth, face-to-face, community-based interviews were conducted with the adolescents. Participants were recruited from churches, English as a Second Language programs, and at Latino community events. The study sample consisted of 286 adolescents; 66% were born in Latin America, 54% were female, and the average age was 15. Data collected at times one, two, and four were used for analysis. Path analysis using Amos 7.0 was conducted.

Results: The final model was a strong fit to the data, χ2 (df=30, N=286)=26.97, p=.63, Normed χ2=.90, CFI=1.00, RMSEA=.000, 90% CI (.000-.039). There were a number of significant multiple mediation effects that formed risk chains between acculturation stress and substance use. Parent-adolescent conflict proved to be the strongest mediator between acculturation stress, negative friend associations, and adolescent mental health. The mental health variables were directly related to substance use. Familism was also a significant mediator with acculturation stress resulting in decreased levels of familism, which led to higher parent-adolescent conflict, more mental health problems, and ultimately higher adolescent substance use. Negative friend associations mediated another long risk chain beginning with acculturation stress, leading to negative friend associations, familism, parent-adolescent conflict, mental health problems, and finally substance use. Finally, substance use at time one led to externalizing problems, negative friend associations, familism, parent-adolescent conflict, mental health problems, and heightened substance use at time four.

Conclusions & Implications: The association between acculturation stress and substance use is complex. Adolescent acculturation stress significantly affects parent-adolescent conflict, familism, adolescent mental health, negative friend associations, and substance use for Latino adolescents. Reducing parent-adolescent conflict and increasing familism should be a key focus in any intervention directed towards Latino adolescents. As this is the first study to explore these associations, further research is warranted to explore these pathways in more detail.