Session: Disaster: Trauma, Mental Health and Coping (Research that Promotes Sustainability and (re)Builds Strengths (January 15 - 18, 2009))

11 Disaster: Trauma, Mental Health and Coping


Carol Tosone, PhD, Associate Professor
Friday, January 16, 2009: 8:00 AM-9:45 AM
Regent (New Orleans Marriott)
* noted as presenting author
Grief, Loss, and Family Survival of Katrina Evacuees
Pamela A. Malone, MA, LCSW, Doctoral Candidate and Practitioner; Elizabeth C. Pomeroy, PhD, LCSW, Professor; Barbara L. Jones, PhD, MSW, Assistant Professor
Predictors of Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Active Coping: Social Work Students in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Catherine M. Lemieux, PhD, Associate Professor; Carol Plummer, PhD, Assistant Professor; Amy Ai, PhD, Associate Professor and Hartford Faculty Scholar