Session: Immigration Issues in the U.S (Research that Promotes Sustainability and (re)Builds Strengths (January 15 - 18, 2009))

92 Immigration Issues in the U.S


Mieko Yoshihama, PhD, Associate Professor
Saturday, January 17, 2009: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Galerie 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
* noted as presenting author
Immigrant Workers: Job, Family & Care-Giving Characteristics as Predictors of Poverty, Psychological Well-Being and Work-Family Conflict
Mamta U. Ojha, MSW, Research Fellow; Jennifer E. Swanberg, PhD, Associate Professor/Executive Director; Mac Werner, MSW, Research Associate
Gambling Among Undocumented Mexican Immigrants in New York City
Sandra L. Momper, PhD, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow; Vijay Nandi, Senior Research Analyst; Danielle Ompad, Interim Associate Director; Jorge Delva, MSW, PhD, Professor; Sandro Galea, Associate Professor