Session: Social Cognition and Schizophrenia (Research that Promotes Sustainability and (re)Builds Strengths (January 15 - 18, 2009))

95 Social Cognition and Schizophrenia


John S. Brekke, PhD, Frances Larson Professor of Social Work Research, Associate Dean of Research
Saturday, January 17, 2009: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Balcony M (New Orleans Marriott)
* noted as presenting author
Cognitive Enhancement Therapy for Early Course Schizophrenia: Effects from a Two-Year Randomized Controlled Trial
Shaun M. Eack, MSW, Doctoral Candidate; Gerard E. Hogarty, MSW, Professor Emeritus; Ann Louise DiBarry, MSN, Clinical Nurse Specialist; Susan S. Hogarty, MSN, Clinical Nurse Specialist; Deborah Greenwald, PhD, N/A; Debora M. Montrose, PhD, Research Program Administrator; Matcheri S. Keshavan, MD, Professor
The Causal Relationships Among Neurocognition, Social Cognition and Functional Outcome in Schizophrenia: Implications for Heterogeneity and Assessment
John S. Brekke, PhD, Frances Larson Professor of Social Work Research, Associate Dean of Research; Maanse Hoe, PhD, Assistant Research Professor