Session: Doctoral Student Panel - (SSWR) (Research that Promotes Sustainability and (re)Builds Strengths (January 15 - 18, 2009))

PC-18 Doctoral Student Panel - (SSWR)


Llewellyn Cornelius, na , Cynthia Franklin, na , Laura Hopson, Na and Nikki Wooten, na
Thursday, January 15, 2009: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Carondelet Ballroom (New Orleans Marriott)
This year's SSWR Doctoral Student Panel will be featuring an innovative format in which two dyads rather than individual presenters will highlight the importance of mentorship. One dyad will be comprised of a faculty mentor (Dr. Llewelyn Cornelius) with his doctoral candidate (Nikki Wooten) who is currently negotiating the job market. The other dyad will feature a junior faculty member (Dr. Laura Hopson) who has continued her mentorship relationship with Dr. Cynthia Franklin, as she has transitioned into her role as a junior faculty at another institution. Both dyads will present what has made their mentorship relationships successful as well as the benefit to mentorship during these critical years.