Methods: Data were collected from 25 counties in the State of New York. Those counties are classified into two groups, i.e., one group consisting of counties with high turnover rates, and the other group consisting of counties with low turnover rates. Data on turnover rates were obtained from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).
Organizational culture is measured in three aspects, i.e., Achievement/ Innovation/ Competence (AIC), Cooperation/ Supportiveness/ Responsiveness (CSR), and Emphasis on Rewards (ER). Organizational climate is measured in four aspects, i.e., Role Clarity (RC), Personal Accomplishment (PA), Emotional Exhaustion (EE), and Workload (WL). The independent sample t-tests were conducted, and box plots were drawn to see the spread of values in organizational culture and climate across high and low turnover agencies.
Result: The independent sample t-tests show the significant differences in organizational culture and climate between high and low turnover agencies. In particular, Emphasis on Reward (ER) and Workload (WL) are significantly different between two groups.
Interestingly, according to box plot graphs, high turnover agencies showed very thin and tight spread of values in organizational culture and climate, while low turnover agencies showed very broad spread in values.
Implications: These findings suggest that positive organizational culture and climate might be the necessary condition for decreasing turnover rates in child welfare agencies, but not the sufficient condition.