The roundtable will be divided in the following sections:
1) Rationale: Why get involved in international research and research training? How do both parties benefit?
2) How did we start? How does one make international connections? How do we maintain the partnerships over time and across very long distances?
3) How do we fund the different international initiatives? US resources, international partner resources, or mixed resources. NIH and European Union resources.
4) International scholar exchanges as a means to solidify the working relationship and get to know each other. Examples of existing funding opportunities. Description of the ongoing SIRC International Research Scholars Exchange Program.
5) Summary descriptions of selected projects: Mexico: Monterrey and Guanajuato; Spain: Sevilla and Santiago de Compostela; Tanzania; Arusha.
6) The tool box of international research collaborations. How to translate (linguistically, culturally, methodologically) intervention research. IRB issues. Research infrastructure or lack of. Training challenges. Safety concerns. Political issues.
7) Lessons learned. What worked, what has not. What we will continue to do and what we will not do again.
8) Question and answer period focusing on the interests and plans of the participants.