Neighborhood Context and the Density of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Methods: An ecological, cross-sectional design was implemented to explore the relationship between neighborhood demographics and density of medical marijuana dispensaries, as measured by number of dispensaries per square mile. All Census tracts that were within Los Angeles City boundaries were used to identify the current sample (n = 998). Medical marijuana dispensaries were aggregated to 2010 Census tracts. Geolytics data from 2012 provided demographic information on race, concentrated disadvantage and youth population variables. Bayesian conditionally autoregressive models that include controls for spatial heterogeneity were used to analyze the data.
Results: Areas with higher population density have more dispensaries per square mile. Additionally, higher levels of concentrated disadvantage are associated with greater density of dispensaries. There is a negative relationship between percentage of young people and density of dispensaries. However, there is no relationship between percent Black, percent Asian, nor percent Hispanic and density of medical marijuana dispensaries.
Conclusions and Implications: Medical marijuana dispensaries do not appear to be overly represented in minority neighborhoods or neighborhoods with high percentages of young adults. However, density of dispensaries is associated with concentrated disadvantage suggesting that these residents are exposed to greater amounts of medical marijuana dispensaries resulting in greater exposure to community concerns such as higher overall rates of use and abuse, exposure to patrons smoking in and around dispensary parking lots, and prevention of other businesses from opening nearby creating a loss of commercial revenue, among others. Policy efforts might consider zoning restrictions to prevent disproportionate number of dispensaries in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Community organizers can work with disadvantaged communities to mobilize against locations of dispensaries in their neighborhoods.