Evidence Based Assessments in Clinical Practice - How to Choose

Saturday, January 17, 2015: 2:30 PM-4:15 PM
Balconies N, Fourth Floor (New Orleans Marriott)
Cluster: Mental Health
Prudence W. Fisher, PhD, Columbia University
The systematic assessment of symptoms, behaviors and impairment  are an essential part of any mental health evaluation.   This workshop will focus on focus on how standardized measures might aid the assessment process, with a particular focus on school-age children and adolescents. Following discussion of how assessment of youth necessarily differs from that of adults and common problems with typical clincial assessment procedures (which standardized assessment were designed to address), factors to consider in the selection of measures when implementing standardized assessment procedures in a clinical setting will be reviewed.  This will include a discussion of the importance and (often the) limitations of available psychometric data (reliablity, validity) as well as practical factors, such as cost, training, staff, the setting in which the assessment takes place, and the client/patient population that is being served.  Identified problems of introducing standard assessments will also be addressed (i.e., the impact on over-reliance on scores as opposed to common clincial sense, the increased burden on clincial services, etc.)   Commonly utilized youth diagnostic interviews, questionnaires, and observational systems for general screening, depression, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, disruptive behaviors, and autism will be reviewed.  Participants will be asked to particpate in small group discussions about how to best fit standard assessment into their own clincial settings and  how this might/might not lead to improved practice.  The workshop will wrap up with a general discussion in which particular obstacles identified by each small group will be addressed.
See more of: Workshops