School Social Work Practice

Thursday, January 15, 2015: 3:30 PM-5:15 PM
La Galeries 2, Second Floor (New Orleans Marriott)
Cluster: School Social Work
Dawn Anderson-Butcher, PhD, Ohio State University
* noted as presenting author
Supporting Academic Achievement through School-Based Mental Health: Evaluation of Multi-Site Math and Reading Outcomes
Danielle Swick, PhD, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Kate M. Wegmann, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Joelle D. Powers, PhD, Boise State University; Charity S. Watkins, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The State of American School Social Work 2014: Initial Findings from the Second National School Social Work Survey
Michael S. Kelly, PhD, Loyola University, Chicago; Aaron M. Thompson, PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia; Andy Frey, PhD, University of Louisville; Michelle E. Alvarez, MSW, EdD, Minnesota State University Mankato; Stephanie C. Berzin, PhD, Boston College; Heather Klemp, MSW, University of Missouri-Columbia
See more of: Oral Presentations