Opening Plenary Session “Living Longer: Opportunities for Social Work Research and Policy"

Thursday, January 15, 2015: 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Carondelet, Third Floor (New Orleans Marriott)
Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, PhD, Boston College and Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis
Members of the Baby Boomer generation have had a profound effect on virtually every aspect of our society for the past half-century. As they transitioned into adulthood, they shaped the contours of social work. In the 1960 and 70s, they contributed to the raising of public awareness about a wide range of social justice issues that remain at the core of the social work profession – issues including racial disparities, environmental justice, and income inequalities. With their active involvement in paid work, civic affairs, and community service, the Baby Boomers are now transforming the everyday experiences of the so-called “retirement years.” This session explores these trends for productive engagement in later life. The two social work researchers featured in this session are among the top scholars in the nation examining the role of older adults in the third stage of life.
Members of the Baby Boomer generation have had a profound effect on virtually every aspect of our society for the past half-century. As they transitioned into adulthood, they shaped the contours of social work. In the 1960 and 70s, they contributed to the raising of public awareness about a wide range of social justice issues that remain at the core of the social work profession – issues including racial disparities, environmental justice, and income inequalities. With their active involvement in paid work, civic affairs, and community service, the Baby Boomers are now transforming the everyday experiences of the so-called “retirement years.” This session explores these trends for productive engagement in later life. The two social work researchers featured in this session are among the top scholars in the nation examining the role of older adults in the third stage of life.
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