Abstract: Analysis of Perceptions of Successful Aging Among Older Korean Immigrants and the Role of Resilience and Acculturation As Predictors (Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual Conference - Grand Challenges for Social Work: Setting a Research Agenda for the Future)

154P Analysis of Perceptions of Successful Aging Among Older Korean Immigrants and the Role of Resilience and Acculturation As Predictors

Friday, January 15, 2016
Ballroom Level-Grand Ballroom South Salon (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
* noted as presenting author
Jaewon Lee, PhD, Assistant Professor, California State University, Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA
Purpose: Rowe and Kahn's longitudinal study of successful aging developed the Model of Successful Aging that has been considered as one of the most salient model among the studies on aging. However, there have been controversies on the model due to the restricted subjectivity on the perceptions toward successful aging and the limited sample population for the study participants. Therefore, there have been needs to study about subjective perceptions on successful aging among the ethnic minority populations. The research question of this study is two-fold: 1) to explore what factors are important for older Korean immigrants to become successful agers in addition to the three components of Rowe and Kahn's model (physical health, mental health, and social involvement), and 2) to examine the relationships among the level of successful aging, the level of resilience, and the level of acculturation among older Koreans in the USA.

Methods: This study used Rowe and Kahn's Model of Successful Aging as a conceptual framework. Quantitative data were collected through a survey to examine older Koreans’ level of successful aging, resilience, and acculturation via pre-existing scales. Qualitative data were also collected through a short interview to explore their perceptions of successful aging. The total sample consisted of N=102. All of the respondents who participated in the study were enrolled in two Adult Day Health Care Centers in Los Angeles, CA. The main analysis methods were multiple regression test and correlation test.

Results: There were positive and statistically significant relationship between the level of successful aging and resilience. There were also positive and significant relationship between the level of successful aging and acculturation. Older Koreans expressed their own perceptions about successful aging. Based on the respondents, the list of older Koreans’ perceptions on successful aging included the following: 1) Maintaining a good physical and cognitive health status, 2) Positive attitude toward the current life, 3) Spiritual activity and religious life, 4) Good relationship with family and children, 5) having religious activity, 6) Positive social interactions and socialization, 7) Children's successful life, and 8)  Financial stability and independent life (mastery of life).

Conclusion and Implications: The major contribution of the study is a newly developed concept of successful aging by older Koreans' perceptions to successful aging including the mediating role of resilience, which are different from the Rowe and Kahn's Model of Successful Aging. Implications are directed to social work researchers and practitioners to help educate older adults in the community on the social and behavioral importance of the positive aspects of aging such as successful aging and healthy aging to increase longevity. In research, the new concept can be used for the service effectiveness, and program evaluations. In practice, the new concept can be used for individual and group sessions through developing instruments for assessment, treatment plan, and evaluation.