Content. The first two assumptions are necessary to define the average treatment effect (ATE). First, the treatment must be a manipulable characteristic. The standard for manipulability is not whether the characteristic will be manipulated, but whether it could be manipulated. Second, the stable unit treatment value assumption (SUTVA) stipulates that no participant can affect the potential outcome of another participant. The third assumption is that assignment is unrelated to the potential outcomes; i.e., assignment is unconfounded. Unconfoundedness comes in strong and weak flavors. The strong version rules out confounding without further conditioning; the weak rules out confounding after conditioning on observed covariates. Randomized designs are usually assumed to satisfy the strong condition. At best, non-randomized designs can only satisfy the weak.
The RCM has detractors. Manipulability requires that a participant could be in either treatment condition, but this may not be realistic in many non-randomized settings. SUTVA implies that emergent effects in treatment settings, for which the grouping of participants may be crucial, cannot occur. If these assumptions are unrealistic, we may not have potential outcomes to compare (manipulability fails) or we may have too many potential outcomes to compare (SUTVA fails). Other critiques have been offered by scholars such as Heckman and Pearl: the RCM relies heavily on randomization-as-metaphor which is not appropriate for many types of causal investigations; it is not an actual statistical model despite being expressed in statistical language; that it narrows the domain of acceptable causal questions; and that it does not address poor sample selection.
Implications. The RCM, despite these critiques, offers researchers a way to be explicit about the conditions being compared, and is widely used across many social science fields. It can be extended to multi-valued treatments and can handle treatment effects that differ across participants. The potential outcomes can also be considered missing data or latent outcomes, making it possible to estimate causal treatment effects using these analytic techniques. Finally, it is compatible with the Campbell and Pearl frameworks despite important differences in scope and philosophy of causation.