Methods: As part of a larger study to test the effectiveness of an evidence-based parenting intervention adapted for use with foster families, we developed a new intervention module specifically targeted to support relationship building between LGBTQ2S youth in foster care and their caregivers. This presentation summarizes findings from focus groups with LGBTQ2S youth with foster care experience, foster caregivers, and child welfare workers to inform development of content for this new module, and in particular to answer the following research question: what strategies are recommended for building better relationships between LGBTQ2S youth and their foster caregivers? Focus group transcripts were coded and analyzed by three researchers using qualitative content analysis.
Results: Eight organizing themes emerge from this analysis: 1) creating a safe, accepting environment for youth to thrive; 2) caregiver/ youth interactions around sensitive topics and youths’ identities; 3) relationship building through shared activities; 4) caregivers interacting with society in youths’ best interest; 5) caregiver self-work; 6) youth self-work; 7) working with people where they are; and 8) programmatic strategies.
Conclusions and Implications: Following a discussion of our findings, we will share information about the module materials we developed based on these findings, which include a series of readings, videos, and activities designed to educate caregivers and teens about fundamental facts about LGBTQ2S youth; provide opportunities for caregivers and teens to connect around identity; address personal safety; and promote safety and well-being.