Methods: This study used data from the WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE) wave 1. The data were collected in a nationally representative sample of 13,367 older adults who were 50 and older and lived in eight provinces of China, including 6,800 in rural areas and 6,576 in urban areas. Outpatient utilization was coded into a dichotomous variable (1=used outpatient service in the last 12 months) and a continuous variable indicating the number of times for which a respondent used the service in the past yearSixteen independent variables were used to indicate pre-disposing factors, enabling factors, and need factors in Andersen Behavioral Model. To adapt the social context in China, we revised the model by adding rural/urban residency as a predisposing factor and removing the religious denomination given its small variation. in the social context of China. Logistic regressions were used to compare outpatient usage and non-usage differences in rural and urban areas respectively while other factors were controlled. Marital status, receipt of pension, self-perceived health, financial satisfaction, and social participation were controlled for.
Results: The results indicate that some predisposing, enabling and need factors are significantly associated with outpatient service utilization. Two predisposing (being a female and urban residency), two enabling (higher household income and having health insurance) and two need (poorer ADL functioning, and more chronic diseases) factors are associated with higher likelihood of or more frequent utilization. On average, the uninsured elders used outpatient services for 3.33 times less than the insured elders.
Conclusions and Implications: Given the importance of health insurance status in shaping the outpatient service utilization, social workers should work with other health professionals to advocate for improving the health insurance for older Chinese, especially the older adults living in rural areas, such as increasing the coverage and reimbursement rate. Financial assistance is also needed to support the elders living in poverty to have physician visits.