Methods: Data (N=454) from two cross-sectional surveys in Nigeria were merged for the analyses: 39.6 % were females (n=177) and 60.4% were males (n=270). The mean age was 31 years (SD=8). The 22-item Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance (IRMA) scale (McMahon & Farmer, 2011) captured four dimensions of rape-supportive beliefs, namely “She asked for it,” “He didn’t mean to,” “It wasn’t really rape,” and “She lied.” Response choices, using a Likert-type scale, ranged from strongly agree =1 to strongly disagree=5. Examples of items include "if both people are drunk, it can’t be rape” and “rape happens when a guy’s sex drive goes out of control.” Cronbach’s alpha is as follows: “She asked for it” .81, “He didn’t mean to” .78, “It wasn’t really rape” .72, and “She lied” .79. CFA using maximum likelihood estimation method (Stata-14 software) and measurement invariance across gender was examined. For the CFA, RMSEA, CFI, and SRMR were examined to determine acceptable model fit (Kline, 2006). Non-significant change (Δ) in chi-square, RMSEA values falling within the confidence interval, and the ΔCFI being smaller than -0.01 informed decisions about measurement invariance across gender (Cheung & Rensvold, 2002; Timmons, 2010).
Results: CFA demonstrated reasonable fit for rape myth acceptance scale: RMSEA .069; CFI .88, and SRMR .066. Measurement invariance across gender was equally established. The change in chi-square was nonsignificant for metric factorial invariance (Δχ² =23.75, df = 18, ns) and the RMSEA values fell within the confidence interval of values for configural invariance. Instead of scalar invariance, partial scalar invariance (three unconstrained items) (Δχ² =24.61, df = 19, ns) was established: the ΔCFI between scalar invariance and partial scalar invariance was smaller than -0.01.
Conclusions and implications: Preliminary findings indicated that the hypothesized model of 22-item acceptance of rape myths is plausible in Nigeria. With minor modifications, latent means was comparable across gender, as men and women appeared to ascribe the same meanings to IRMA’s construct and interpreted the items similarly. Therefore, IRMA is suitable for examining rape-supportive beliefs in Nigeria. Its future use in the region may generate comparable knowledge with other regions where validation has been established.