Session: Help-seeking, Supportive Adult Relationships, and Rehousing among Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Society for Social Work and Research 24th Annual Conference - Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality)

313 Help-seeking, Supportive Adult Relationships, and Rehousing among Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Sunday, January 19, 2020: 9:45 AM-11:15 AM
Marquis BR Salon 7, ML 2 (Marriott Marquis Washington DC)
Cluster: Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL)
Sarah Narendorf,
* noted as presenting author
A Social-Ecological Analysis of Factors Contributing to Help-Seeking Among Trauma-Exposed Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Shantel Crosby, PhD, University of Louisville; Hsun-Ta Hsu, PhD, MSW, University of Missouri-Columbia; Kristian Jones, M.Ed, University of Texas at Austin; Eric Rice, PhD, University of Southern California
Predicting the Most Important Factors Involved in Supportive Adult Relationships for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Monique Holguin, LCSW, University of Southern California; Eric Rice, PhD, University of Southern California; Chyna Hill, MA, University of Southern California
How Rapid Is Rapid Re-Housing for Youth Experiencing Homelessness? Who and Who Waits Longer?
Hsun-Ta Hsu, PhD, MSW, University of Missouri-Columbia; Eric Rice, PhD, University of Southern California; Monique Holguin, LCSW, University of Southern California; Jennifer Wilson, MSW, IMBA, University of Denver
(WITHDRAWN) Youth Service Engagement Among Housed and Unhoused Young Adults: The Role of Emotional Regulation
Benjamin Henwood, PhD, University of Southern California; Sara Semborski, LCSW, University of Southern California
See more of: Oral Presentations