Our formative evaluation included both qualitative and quantitative components. During two site visits, we conducted interviews and focus groups to gather information about the program from multiple stakeholders including program staff, university partners, and students. We used this information to refine the program’s logic model, to learn about the program’s core components, and to understand the challenges the program has faced and the successes it has experienced. We also analyzed student-level program data and academic records. We used these data to examine the characteristics of program participants, their interactions with campus coaches, and their academic performance.
We found that program participants are more racially diverse and tend to have lower ACT scores than the general student population. Compared to other students, program participants also have lower retention and graduation rates and are more likely to transfer to another postsecondary institution. Although we don’t know what the outcomes of these program participants would have been in the absence of the program, their graduation rate is considerably higher than the graduation rates reported in the literature for young people who aged out of foster care. Students attributed much of their success to the support they receive from their campus coaches whose role is to help them make the transitions from foster care-to-college and from college-to-career.
These findings highlight the important role that meaningful relationships with adults plays in key transitions for young people with experience in foster care.