Methods: The 10-item PCCP-AM chart review instrument rates service plans on key domains of person-centered care: focusing on service user strengths, life goals, natural supports, self-directed actions and community integration. Item scores range from 1 to 4, with 3 and above indicating competency. As part of a larger randomized controlled trial, service plans completed by community mental health clinic providers were rated using the PCCP-AM. These service plans were sampled from across clinic programs including outpatient therapy, case management, and group homes. PCCP-AM scores of 2 raters for 62 service plans were compared to measure inter-rater reliability with a weighted Kappa analysis. PCCP-AM scores for 437 service plans were used to measure internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha. PCCP-AM scores of 77 plans were correlated with independent expert ratings to establish validity.
Results: Weighted Kappas ranged from k = .324 to k = .681 (p = .001), indicating fair to substantial agreement between raters. Cronbach’s Alpha (α = .72), indicated acceptable reliability. Moderate correlation of total scores (r = .600, p = .010) supported PCCP-AM validity. Individual item scores supported the validity of items assessing service user input in care planning, life-oriented goals and objectives, planned use of natural supports and the broader community, and measurable objectives (r = .381 to r = .581, p = .010).
Conclusions and Implications: Findings demonstrate the PCCP-AM’s potential to be a valid and reliable objective measure of person-centered care. Although the results are promising, the measure needs more refinement to be a consistent and accurate tool to guide practice for clinicians and supervisors. By focusing service planning on service user life goals, strengths, natural supports and self-direction, the PCCP-AM can help clinicians improve their delivery of person-centered care and promote a more collaborative relationship between provider and service user. The PCCP-AM’s utility to agencies lies in its ability to provide objective measurement of a person-centered orientation that applies across program types, providing a tool to promote agency wide person-centered care, and further aiding supervisors who provide administrative and clinical supervision to service providers in varying programs.