Session: Perception and Predictors of Substance Use among at-risk youth (Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference - Social Work Science for Social Change)

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223 Perception and Predictors of Substance Use among at-risk youth

Friday, January 22, 2021: 1:15 PM-2:15 PM
Cluster: Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors
Michael G. Vaughn, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
* noted as presenting author
Correlates of Illicit Drug Use across 7 Cities Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Stephanie Chassman, MSW, University of Denver; Anamika Barman-Adhikari, PhD, University of Denver; Hsun-Ta Hsu, PhD, MSW, University of Missouri-Columbia; Robin Petering, PhD, Lens Co; Diane Santa Maria, DrPH, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Sarah Narendorf, PhD, University of Houston; Jama Shelton, PhD, City University of New York; Kimberly Bender, University of Denver; Kristin Ferguson, PhD, Arizona State University
Perceptions of and Factors Associated with Substance Use Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Hunter Nelson, University of Denver; Kelly Rose Garza, University of Denver; Taija Thoma, University of Denver; Saira Malhotra, MSW, University of Denver; Anamika Barman-Adhikari, PhD, University of Denver
All in the Family: The Relationship between Parental Substance Misuse, Punitive Parenting Practices, and the Development of Youth Substance Misuse Among a Justice-Involved Sample
Emily Bosk, Ph.D., Rutgers University; Wen Li, PHD, Rutgers University; Johanna Folk, PhD, University of California, San Francisco; Abigail Williams-Butler, PhD, Rutgers University
What Do Young People Experiencing Homelessness Want from Substance Use Preventative Interventions?
Taija Thomas, BA, University of Denver; Kelly Rose Garza, BA, University of Denver; Hunter Nelson, BS, University of Denver; Saira Malhotra, LSW, University of Denver; Anamika Barman-Adhikari, PhD, University of Denver
'how Much Heroin Is Too Much Heroin?' Youth Inquires Regarding Opioids
Cory Morton, PhD, University of New Hampshire, Durham; Nicholas D'Amore, BA, University of New Hampshire, Durham; Kerry Nolte, PhD, University of New Hampshire, Durham
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