Session: work/family policy (Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference - Social Work Science for Social Change)

All live presentations are in Eastern time zone.

31 work/family policy

Wednesday, January 20, 2021: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Cluster: Work and Work-Life Policies and Programs
Yu-Ling Chang, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
* noted as presenting author
Child-Care Subsidy Instability and Arrangement Discontiniuity: Does Type of Care Matter?
Alejandra Ros Pilarz, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jaeseung Kim, PhD, University of South Carolina; Julia Henly, PhD, University of Chicago; Heather Sandstrom, PhD, Urban Institute; Youngjin Stephanie Hong, MSW, University of Chicago
Effects of Head Start Enrollment Duration for Children with Adverse Childhood Experiences
Kyunghee Lee, PhD, Michigan State University; Cassandra Lawton, MSW, Michigan State University
The Gendered Effects of Unemployment Insurance on Subsequent Employment Outcomes Among Unemployed Workers with Children
Yu-Ling Chang, PhD, University of California, Berkeley; MinJee Keh, University of California, Berkeley
See more of: Oral Presentations