Session: Meet the Scientist (Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference - Social Work Science for Social Change)

All live presentations are in Eastern time zone.

191 Meet the Scientist

Thursday, January 21, 2021: 6:15 PM-7:30 PM
Joan Blakey, Ph.D., , Donte Boyd, PhD, University of Houston, Courtney Cogburn, PhD, Columbia University, Shantel Crosby, PhD, University of Louisville, Lauren McInroy, PhD, The Ohio State University, Felix M. Muchomba, PhD, , Laura Nissen, PhD, , Camille Quinn, PhD, The Ohio State University, Linda Sprague Martinez, PhD, Boston University and Noelle St. Vil, State University of New York at Buffalo
The Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) will be holding the “Meet the Scientist� session during the conference. This special session provides a forum for early-career scholars and doctoral students to talk and interact with established scholars who are leaders in social work research and the Society. Early career scholars and doctoral students will have the opportunity to ask questions about career development, challenges in the field, research initiatives, and where the field might be heading.
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