Methods: To achieve the study aim, the authors conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with local program directors, statewide implementers, and national organizers of PADPs across the country (N=24). Authors examined key features and outcomes of PADPs and how programs and community contexts vary. Respondents were identified using a purposive and snowball sampling approach. Interviews were conducted and recorded via a virtual meeting platform. The research team prioritized collaborative research methods, including regular peer debriefing. Transcripts were analyzed using a consensus process for identifying emerging codes and themes.
Results: Results demonstrate that PADPs often use a harm reduction approach, providing ongoing case management and connection to safe housing and treatment. Programs adapted to local needs and resources (e.g., funding sources, eligibility criteria for diversion, criminal justice leadership turnover, available services, staffing models, and political will). Across PADPs, outcomes included reduced recidivism, emergency room visits and transports, and overdose deaths, as well as client progress in achieving greater safety, housing stability, employment, and decreased substance misuse. Findings also highlight the influence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and increased attention paid to racialized police violence. Specifically, some programs decreased the role of police in favor of models that emphasize a community referral process, while others retained a more traditional law enforcement-centered diversion model.
Conclusions and Implications: PADPs have increasing importance as a primary method of smart decarceration will involve reducing the numbers of people who formally enter the criminal legal system. This research sheds light on local needs and contexts, strategies for addressing challenges, promising outcomes, and future directions within PADPs. This study is the first known national qualitative study to examine this new public safety model that limits arrest and centers public health and human dignity.