Methods. Using 2011-2018 Medicaid claims from a southeastern state, we identified a retrospective cohort of 6-18 year old foster care youth prescribed an ATP. Within a 6-month window of continuous Medicaid eligibility before and after initiation, we identified those youth who were provided the following services: psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF), psychiatric hospitalization, inpatient and outpatient psychiatric care, psychotherapy, Multisystemic Therapy (MST), Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC), group residential care, and in-home or wraparound services. We examined foster youth at large and foster youth excluding those who had a diagnosis indicated for ATPs (Tourette’s, Autism Spectrum Disorder, bipolar disorder, and psychosis.) In addition, we examined changes in care at the individual level after initiation.
Results. Among all foster care youth initiating ATPs, one percent or fewer of the youth received MST or TFC before or after ATP. Use of group residential care, in-home services, and PRTFs rose after initiation. Psychiatric hospitalization was much lower after prescribing (from 19.8% down to 13.2%.) Rates of inpatient and outpatient psychiatric care were slightly lower after prescribing. Similar patterns were observed for youth without an ATP indication, although the rate of psychiatric hospitalization was much higher before initiation (38.1%.) Looking at individual-level changes in service utilization, youth without an indicated diagnosis had a 25% reduction in the rate of psychiatric hospitalization; in the at large population, the reduction was 13.2%. Some youth obtained services after prescribing that they did not obtain before, most notably psychotherapy.
Conclusions/Implications. These changes in service utilization represent trends that are both concerning (few children are served by TFC before or after ATP initiation) and promising (reduction in psychiatric hospitalization). Increasing the availability of services like MST and TFC is critical, which recent federal policy changes may help facilitate. Further research is needed that utilizes quasi-experimental methods to disentangle the causal effects of ATP on service utilization, which will be challenging because of confounding by indication—that youth who get ATPs are likely to be different from youth who do not, e.g., on intensity of needs.