Session: Youth Punishment System (Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference - Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice)

348 Youth Punishment System

Sunday, January 16, 2022: 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Independence BR A, ML 4 (Marriott Marquis Washington, DC)
Cluster: Crime and Criminal Justice
* noted as presenting author
Race and Gender Differences in Recidivism Among at-Risk Alabama Youth
Lewis Lee, PhD, University of Alabama; Mandi Fowler, PhD, University of Alabama; Hee Yun Lee, PhD, University of Alabama; Jill Beck, JD, University of Alabama; Alesia Allen, CCE/JUV, Alabama Department of Youth Services
WITHDRAWN: The Relationship of Lifetime Traumatic Brain Injury with Drug Use and Delinquency in the Year Prior to Incarceration: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis of Incarcerated Youth in Two States
Christopher Veeh, PhD, University of Iowa; Tanya Renn, PhD, Florida State Univeristy; Elizabeh Byram, MSW, University of Iowa; John Moore, MSW, University of Texas at Austin; Michael G. Vaughn, Ph.D., St. Louis University
Ashlee Barnes-Lee, PhD, Michigan State University
Reducing Recidivism Among Justice-Involved Youth in the Deep South: The Role of Court-Ordered Programs
Leah Cheatham, PhD, JD, University of Alabama; Laura Hopson, PhD, University of Alabama; Hallie Leavell, JD, Juvenile Court; Chris Jordan, Social Service Organization
See more of: Oral Presentations