Methods: To be eligible for participation, youth must (a) be a junior in high school or in a GED program, (b) be in foster care, and (c) have not yet ruled out pursuing postsecondary education. Thirteen participants were randomly assigned to receive the FHE intervention, and 12 were randomly assigned to a services-as-usual comparison group. Youth participated in the FHE program from the time of study enrollment (sometime between April 2019 and March 2020) until the end of February 2021. The COVID-19 global pandemic started in the middle of this pilot study, March 2020, and substantially impacted intervention implementation due to all activities needing to be implemented remotely.
Results: Implementation: Students met with the EA at least once per month 62% of the time prior to COVID and 58% of the time during COVID. Common challenges that interfered with participation included youth having periods of running away, being in restrictive placements, and going through disruptive placement changes. For meetings that did occur, the EA found the intervention easy to deliver, with very few challenges (Mean = 1.6 on a scale of 1 = Not at all Challenging to 7 = Very Challenging). Out of the multiple program components, participants reported the mentoring component as the most engaging, relevant, and helpful (all mean score = 6 on a scale from 1 = Not at All to 7 = Very Much).
Outcomes: Participants in the FHE group experienced larger reductions in perceived barriers to postsecondary education than the comparison group (Cohen’s d=-0.55, indicating a moderate effect size). FHE participants had much lower participation in postsecondary preparation tasks at baseline (mean of 2.9 tasks in the past year compared to a mean of 6.6 in the past year for comparison youth). However, following implementation FHE youth had made considerable gains in postsecondary preparation activities (a mean of 8.6 tasks since baseline compared to a mean of 7.7 tasks since baseline for the comparison group).
Conclusions and Implications: Fostering Higher Education is one promising program that offers much-needed support to these youth in overcoming barriers to achievement of postsecondary education. Larger, longitudinal studies of FHE are needed to assess whether and to what extent it impacts postsecondary completion.