Abstract: Facing the Intersection of Racial and Gender Microaggressions: Social Support As a Coping Strategy Among Indigenous LGBTQ People in Taiwan (Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference - Social Work Science and Complex Problems: Battling Inequities + Building Solutions)

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Facing the Intersection of Racial and Gender Microaggressions: Social Support As a Coping Strategy Among Indigenous LGBTQ People in Taiwan

Friday, January 13, 2023
Ahwatukee A, 2nd Level (Sheraton Phoenix Downtown)
* noted as presenting author
Ciwang Teyra, PhD, Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Angel Hor-Yan Lai, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Introduction. Indigenous LGBTQ individuals face with significant life stress such as racial

and gender discrimination and microaggressions, which may lead to the negative impacts of

their mental health. Although studies relevant to Taiwanese indigenous LGBTQ people

gradually increase, most of them are primarily conceptual or qualitative in nature. This

research aims to fulfill the gap by offering empirical quantitative evidence, especially

investigating the impact of racial and gender microaggressions on mental health among

Taiwanese indigenous LGBTQ individuals with an intersectional perspective, as well as

examined whether social support can help them to cope with microaggressions.

Methods. Participants were (n=200; mean age=29.51; Female=31%, Male=61%,

Others=8%). A cross-sectional quantitative design was implemented using data collected in

the year 2020. Standardised measurements was used, including Racial Microaggression Scale

(10 items), Gender Microaggression Scale (9 items), Social Support Questionnaire-SF(6

items); Patient Health Questionnaire(9-item); and Generalised Anxiety Disorder(7-item).

Covariates were age, gender and perceived economic hardships. Structural equation

modelling (SEM) was employed using Mplus 8.0 with the latent variables of depression and

anxiety as outcomes. A main effect SEM model was first established (Model1). To test the

moderation effects of perceived social support, an interaction effect model (Model 2) was

created with interaction terms entered into Model1. Numerical integration was used with

maximum likelihood estimation to estimate the interaction model.

Results. Model fit statistics of the Model 1:X2(df)=1308.1 (795), p<.05; CFI/TLI=0.92/0.91;

RMSEA=0.06; SRMR=0.06. For Model, the AIC and BIC values of Model 2 improved

slightly compared to Model 1(AIC =15631 (Model1) vs. 15629 (Model2); BIC=16098

(Model1) vs. 16103 (Model2)). Model 2 was adopted as the final model. In main effect

model 1, racial microaggression and perceived social support were associated with

depression and anxiety, but not sexual orientation microaggression (Indigenous

microaggression: b = 0.27 for depression; b=0.38 for anxiety; Social support: b=-0.37 for

depression; b=-0.34 for anxiety). Thus, an interaction term between social support and

indigenous microaggression was added in Model 2. In the final Model 2, indigenous

microaggression and perceived social support continues to be statistically significant

predictors of both depression and anxiety. Social support moderated the effect of indigenous

microaggression of depression (b=-0.22), but not anxiety. All covariates were not statistically


Implications. Results indicated that racial microaggressions have significant impact on

indigenous LGBTQ people’s mental health. Social support plays as a crucial role to buffer

the negative impact of racial microaggression. To promote indigenous LGBTQ people’s

wellbeing, it is important to consider how to support them to develop social support network
