Methods: We used the Korean Social Welfare Panel data from the 12th wave surveyed in 2017) to the 14th wave (surveyed in 2019), which were not affected by COVID-19 pandemic. For analysis, we employed the fixed-effects model to causally identify the effects of disability allowance per se. The independent variable is the amount of DA, and the dependent variables are 12 types of consumption expenditure. Control variables include gender, age, marital status, education level, administrative division, employee status, log disposable income, and chronic disease.
Results: First, we found that the DA increased the consumption of health-care expenses, in particular, where living in rural areas rather than metropolitans. The estimate of the interaction between the DA and the consumption of health-care expenses coefficient was 4.70 and statistically significant. Second, We found that the DA increased the expenditures of food, housing, and telecommunication. Respectively, the estimates of the interaction between DA and consumption of food, housing, and telecommunication expenses coefficients was 2.94, 5.74, 0.81 and statistically significant.
Conclusions: Based on the evidence we found, we propose that the amount of DA should be increased. Although DA plays a crucial role in enhancing the economic well-being of individuals with mild disabilities by covering fixed expenses such as food, housing, and telecommunication, we found that only health-care expenses increased among the additional expenses due to disability. This means that the payment of DA was insufficient, leading to only necessary consumption for both living expenses and additional expenses due to disability. Second, it is necessary to secure health-care expenses and access to health-care for recipients living in relatively small cities. If recipients live in small cities, they have less access to medical care than metropolitans. Therefore, they are more likely to spend large medical bills after their health deteriorates.