Methods. A cross-sectional quantitative survey was implemented. Participants were Yi youths from five schools in Liangshan (n=295; age=14.3; Female=68%; Male=32%), recruited using multistage sampling. Teachers’ ethnic socialization was measured with the adapted teachers’ cultural diversity scale (Yildirm & Tezci, 2016, α=0.76) and the adapted teachers’ Yi cultural and multicultural socialization scale (Wang et al., 2015, α=0.90). Ethnic identity was evaluated with the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (Phinney & Ong, 2006, α=0.70). The depressive level was measured with the Patient Health Questionaire-9 (Tsai, 2018, α=0.76). A two-step structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed using Mplus 8.0. A measurement model was first established to examine the scales’ cross-cultural validity. Then, the covariances in the measurement model were re-specified as direct effects in the SEM.
Results. The final model showed satisfactory fit statistics: CFI/TLI= 0.91, RMSEA= .05, SRMR= .04. Perceived teachers’ cultural diversity and multicultural socialisation positively affected ethnic identity commitment (b cultural diversity=5.01; b multicultural socialization=2.76). Similarly, they positively affected ethnic identity resolution (b cultural diversity =3.70; b multicultural socialization=3.05). Yet, they did not affect depression. Surprisingly, teachers’ Yi cultural socialization did not affect ethnic identity and mental health. Strong ethnic identity resolution lowered depressive levels (b=-2.11). Interestingly, strong ethnic identity commitment increased depressive levels (b=2.52).
Conclusions and Implications. Findings underscore the importance of teachers’ culturally-diverse attitudes and multicultural socialization in fostering strong ethnic identity. Having a strong ethnic identity commitment without achieving ethnic identity resolution can hurt mental health. Schools shall encourage students to embrace the meaning of their ethnicity via multicultural education rather than merely socializing them to their own cultures. Policy leaders can introduce multicultural training for teachers to establish culturally-embracing schools for positive mental health.