Abstract: Intent to Apply for Post-Secondary Education Among Young Adults with Foster Care Experience: A Focus on Vocational Education (Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference - Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science)

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Intent to Apply for Post-Secondary Education Among Young Adults with Foster Care Experience: A Focus on Vocational Education

Saturday, January 13, 2024
Liberty Ballroom K, ML 4 (Marriott Marquis Washington DC)
* noted as presenting author
Mary Collins, A.M., PhD, Professor, Social Welfare Policy, Boston University, Boston, MA
Heather Taussig, PhD, Professor, University of Denver
Background: Post-secondary educational outcomes for young people with care experience are generally poor. Studies typically emphasize college/university attendance which disregards some young people’s preference for work rather than college; their struggles with demands of college/university; and the possibility of incurring student loan debt. Non-college educational options have potential for gaining credentials to secure productive employment, but these options have received less investigation. Using data from the Fostering Healthy Futures (FHF) study, this study compares young adults who intended to apply for vocational education, those who intended to apply to college, and those who intended to apply to neither.

Method: Participants were eligible for FHF if they met the following criteria at baseline: (1) aged 9–11 years; (2) placed in out-of-home care the previous year; and (3) living in out-of-home care at baseline. The current study uses a sample (N=194) who were between 18-22 years at the follow-up interview and were not currently attending a 4-year college. The analysis compared three groups: no intent to apply to further education (16%), intent to apply to a vocational program (29%), and intent to apply to a 4-year college (55%). Bivariate analysis examined differences between the groups. Responses to two open-ended questions were examined with content analysis.

Results: Demographic characteristics (race, ethnicity, gender, age) and descriptors of child welfare experiences (e.g., placement type, adoption, emancipation) were not significant predictors of group membership. Young adults were less likely to have a plan to apply to any schooling if they reported earlier academic difficulties (χ2=8.50, p<.05) or did not graduate from HS/GED (χ2=9.41, p.<.01). Common barriers (transportation, child care, mental/physical health challenges) were not significant predictors of group membership, nor was receiving special education supports in primary/secondary school.

Of various types of independent living preparation youth may have received, only receiving assistance with job applications was a significant predictor of group membership. Twenty-eight (28%) of those not intending to apply, nearly two-thirds (60%) intending vocational education, and almost half (45%) intending college had received help with job applications (χ2=8.24, p<.05). There were also group differences in response to the question, “Overall, how well prepared do you feel to get a steady job and make enough money to live on?”. Almost half (45%) of those not intending to apply, nearly two-thirds (60%) intending vocational education, and almost half (44%) intending college reported feeling very well prepared (χ2=13.8, p <.05).

Open-ended responses identified that goals and plans were generally consistent with their intent to apply (or not) to different educational settings. Specific vocational pathways were reported (e.g., cosmetology) as well as issues of “sticking with it” and “staying out of trouble”. Concrete factors (e.g., living situation, transportation) were noted as barriers. Some respondents were not intending to apply to any schooling because their focus was work. A small number expressed struggle with any direction (e.g., “I don’t really have any [goals]).”

Implications: Supporting young adults who are care experienced requires flexibility. Vocational education offers a potential career pathway that is underutilized. Supporting youths’ vocational interests is essential.