Method:Using AMOS 23.0 and SPSS 22.0, a structural equation model—a moderated mediation model— was employed to examine the association between variables using the bootstrapping method. We distributed surveys from May 24, 2020, through June 14, 2020. The data was obtained through online surveys for variables about an interest with a sample of 791 participants. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis model was used to examine if the questionnaire items adequately reflected the latent variables of interest. For the goodness-of-fit for the SEM model, the following fit measures were used: the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) the Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), the Root Mean-Squared Error of Approximation (RMSEA), and the Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR). The chi-square statistic and the Normed Fit Index (NFI) were excluded from examining the goodness-of-fit indices because they can be swayed by factors unrelated to the actual model specification (e.g., sample size, the number of parameters). We considered a model with CFI and TLI indices above .95 and RMSEA and SRMR values below .08 a good fit model.
Result:We found that the direct effect of resilience on perceived racial discrimination was statistically significant (b = -.32, p < .01) and that the direct effects of perceived racial discrimination and resilience on psychological distress were statistically significant (respectively, b = .21, p < .001; b = -.41, p < .001). We also found that as the level of social support was either low or moderate, the indirect effect of resilience on psychological distress via perceived racial discrimination was statistically significant (respectively, b = -.07, p < .05; b = -.07, p < .01). However, the indirect effect was not statistically significant when social support was high.
Conclusion:Our findings suggested that social services and culturally sensitive/responsive resilience-focused treatments (a mindfulness program) are needed to alleviate heightened psychological distress among Asian Americans (including Korean Americans) experiencing racism during the colossal pandemic. Furthermore, it is emphasized that there should be strong group solidarity among racial minority groups and individuals to support racial minority groups. Actions and voices at the macro-level practice to condemn xenophobia, racism, and intolerance against Asian Americans will help create an inclusive atmosphere in the U.S.