This roundtable session will begin with a dialogue from guest presenters from immigrant children advocacy agencies, such as Kids in Needs of Defense (KIND) and the Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights, who will provide an overview of the current policy context and state-of-play surrounding reception and treatment of UCs arriving to the U.S. Then, experts on the primary concerns and needs for UCs, such as members of the Center on Immigration and Child Welfare Research Workgroup and/or guest speakers from Seneca Family of Agencies will provide background on the unique mental health challenges of this population as well as the key supportive services UCs need, both while in ORR custody and post release.
Next, presenters from Girasol and Casey Family Programs will share their testimonies on solutions and alternatives as key community-based stakeholders who have been working to provide key services and supports to unaccompanied children. Girasol is based at the UT School of Social Work and seeks to focus on mental health services for asylum seekers and the professionals who work with them. Girasol coordinates mental health evaluations for asylum cases and provides support/consultation groups for legal service providers. Finally, all contributors will share perspectives on the path forward to improve services and supports for UCs both in ORR custody and post release, including needed policy changes and areas for future research. Our goal is to stimulate conversation that will promote an understanding of the policy environment impacting unaccompanied children and their families, while also promoting ways to advocate for and strengthen services for unaccompanied children in the U.S.