Session: Multifaceted Perspectives on Afghan Refugees’ and Parolees’ Experiences (Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference - Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science)

All in-person and virtual presentations are in Eastern Standard Time Zone (EST).

SSWR 2024 Poster Gallery: as a registered in-person and virtual attendee, you have access to the virtual Poster Gallery which includes only the posters that elected to present virtually. The rest of the posters are presented in-person in the Poster/Exhibit Hall located in Marquis BR Salon 6, ML 2. The access to the Poster Gallery will be available via the virtual conference platform the week of January 11. You will receive an email with instructions how to access the virtual conference platform.

78 Multifaceted Perspectives on Afghan Refugees’ and Parolees’ Experiences

Friday, January 12, 2024: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Monument, ML 4 (Marriott Marquis Washington DC)
Mitra Naseh, PhD, Washington University
* noted as presenting author
A Scoping Review of the Intimate Partner Violence Literature Among Afghans across Contexts: Implications for Research and Practice in the United States
Karin Wachter, PhD, Arizona State University; Zoe Baccam, MPH, Arizona State University; Tanya Burgess, LMSW, Arizona State University
Understanding the Role of Collective Trauma on Afghan Refugee Mental Health: A Transformative Mixed Methods Study
Jaclyn Kirsch, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington; Arati Maleku, Ph.D., The Ohio State University; Hanna Haran, MSW, Ohio State University
Exploring U.S. Military Veterans' Perspective on Afghan Refugee Resettlement Efforts: A Qualitative Exploration of U.S. Military Veterans Who Served in Afghanistan
Eric Sowers, MSW, Ohio State University; Gretchen Klingler, BA, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; Shambika Raut, MA, Ohio State University; Jhuma Acharya, MSW, Ohio State University; Donna Schuman, PhD, LCSW, University of Texas at Arlington; Arati Maleku, Ph.D., The Ohio State University
See more of: Oral Presentations