Session: Black Community Perspectives on Survivorship and Gun Violence: Qualitative Stories of Trauma and Resilence (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

291 Black Community Perspectives on Survivorship and Gun Violence: Qualitative Stories of Trauma and Resilence

Sunday, January 19, 2025: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Boren, Level 4 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
Beth-Anne Jacob, PhD, Healing Hurt People Chicago
* noted as presenting author
Scars of Survival: Family Systems in the Wake of Community Based Gun Violence
Nathan Aguilar, LCSW, Columbia University; Owyn Guinnip, Columbia University; Gabrielle Andrade, Columbia University
"Danger Is Everywhere": Experiences of Continuous Traumatic Stress Following Gunshot Survivorship
Gabrielle Andrade, Columbia University; Nathan Aguilar, LCSW, Columbia University; Owyn Guinnip, Columbia University
"Women's Part of the Story Don't Get Told": Experience and Resilience in the Aftermath of Gun Violence Survivorship
Beth-Anne Jacob, PhD, Healing Hurt People Chicago; Nathan Aguilar, LCSW, Columbia University; Owyn Guinnip, Columbia University; Gabrielle Andrade, Columbia University; Samantha Winter, PhD, Columbia University
See more of: Oral Presentations