Session: Challenges, Prevention, and Resilience in LGBTQ+ Latinx Communities (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

184 Challenges, Prevention, and Resilience in LGBTQ+ Latinx Communities

Friday, January 17, 2025: 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Issaquah A, Level 3 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
Carolina VĂ©lez-Grau, Ph.D., Boston College
* noted as presenting author
Co-Creating a Culturally Tailored Intervention with Promotoras and Latina Caregivers of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Conceptual Model
Amy Pei-Lung Yu, MSW, University of Texas at Austin; Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago; Sandy Magana, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
Bridging Worlds, Bearing Burdens: Vicarious Trauma and Mental Health Among Spanish-Speaking Medical Interpreters
Jaclyn Kirsch, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington; Alicia Rueda-Acedo, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington; Jennifer Roye, MSN, University of Texas at Arlington
See more of: Oral Presentations