Session: Disability, Neurodiversity, and Educational Experiences (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

268 Disability, Neurodiversity, and Educational Experiences

Saturday, January 18, 2025: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Seneca, Level 4 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
Shanna Kattari, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
* noted as presenting author
'if You're Asking for My Diversity, You're Asking for All of Me': Neurodivergent Higher Education Faculty Experiences in the U.S
Shanna K. Kattari, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Debbie A. Erickson, BA, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Exploring School Discipline Experiences: Perspectives of Disabled Adults
Gordon Capp, PhD, California State University, Fullerton; Hannah Fraley, PhD, California State University, Fullerton
The Living Lab Approach for Vision Testing Tool for Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder in South Korea
Soo Kyung Park, PhD, Yonsei University; Tae Yub Lee, Yonsei University; Cho Rong Hong, Yonsei University; Young Do Park, Yonsei University
See more of: Oral Presentations