Session: Parenting skills in kinship placements and impact on child outcomes (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

317 Parenting skills in kinship placements and impact on child outcomes

Sunday, January 19, 2025: 9:45 AM-11:15 AM
Columbia, Level 4 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
Taylor Dowdy-Hazlett, PhD, University of Kentucky
* noted as presenting author
Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Foster Parents
Taylor Dowdy-Hazlett, PhD, University of Kentucky; Morgan Cooley, PhD, Florida Atlantic University; Shelby Clark, Phd, MSW, University of Kentucky; Ethan Engelhardt, PhD, Auburn University; Ryan Barney, University of Kentucky
Placement Instability: Placement Characteristics and Demographic Factors Associated with Foster Parents’ Intent to Turnover and Disrupt Placement
Taylor Dowdy-Hazlett, PhD, University of Kentucky; Ethan Engelhardt, PhD, Auburn University; Morgan Cooley, PhD, Florida Atlantic University
Diverse Characteristics and Parenting Stress Among Different Types of Kinship Caregivers in Taiwan: Evidence from a Cultural Lens
Meng-Hsuan Yu, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Ching-Hsuan Lin, PhD, National Taiwan University
Navigating Protective Factors That Improve Parenting Competence Among Caregivers of Youth in Foster Care
Hyunji Lee, PhD, Kongju National University; Vivian Mills, PhD, Florida State University; Amanda Cruce, MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Morgan Cooley, PhD, Florida Atlantic University; Lisa Magruder, Florida State University
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