Session: understanding the intersection between the child welfare and the judicial systems (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

267 understanding the intersection between the child welfare and the judicial systems

Saturday, January 18, 2025: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Columbia, Level 4 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
Martin T. Hall, PhD, University of Louisville
* noted as presenting author
Michigan Resiliency Court Program Evaluation
Whitney Howey, University of Utah; Brad Lundahl, MSW, University of Utah
I Was Anxious and Nervous about What Was Going to Happen: The Role of Expectations across Stakeholder Groups in Child Welfare Dependency Courts
Linda-Jeanne Mack, MSW, LICSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Corey Shdaimah, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Danielle Phillips, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Sarah Clem, MSW, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Examining California Child Welfare Appellate Case Characteristics and Outcomes
Sofia Guo, BA, University of California, Berkeley
Methamphetamine Use, Addiction Treatment Complexity, and Child Welfare Outcomes
Martin T. Hall, PhD, University of Louisville; Garrett Hardy, BA, University of Louisville; Amy Brooks, University of Louisville
See more of: Oral Presentations