Session: ePoster Presentations V (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

137 ePoster Presentations V

Friday, January 17, 2025: 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
* noted as presenting author
Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL)
Adolescent Mental Disorders and Mental Health and Wellbeing
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Social Media Use and Depression Among Emerging Young Adults
Sei-Young Lee, PhD, University of Northern Iowa; Siyon Rhee, PhD, California State University, Los Angeles
Adolescent Mental Disorders and Mental Health and Wellbeing
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Association of Body Dysmorphia with Anxiety Among Female Youths with Immigrant Backgrounds: Exploring the Moderating Effect of Excessive Smartphone Use
Ja Hyun Shin, MSW, Yonsei Graduate School of Social Welfare; Jiwon Kim, MSW, Yonsei University; Eun Hye Oh, BA, Yonsei Graduate School of Social Welfare
Early Adolescent Development
Impacting Parenting Skill and Child Development: An Evaluation of the Triple P Parenting Program
David French, BSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School and Out of School Time Experiences among Youth
Learning from the Community: Correlation between Student Grades and Community-Based Activities
Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman Khan, PhD, MSW, Stephen F. Austin State University; Hafizur Rahman, MPS, ESDO
Transition Age Youth/Emerging Adulthood
Addressing Housing Stability for College Students with Experiences of Foster Care
Megan Piel, PhD, University of Texas at San Antonio; Cindy Alvarado, MSW, University of Texas at San Antonio; Claudia Pharr, MSW, Housing First Community Coalition
Youth Development
Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G)
Caregiving for Older Adults
Dementia Caregiving Status and Psychological Health: The Mediating Role of Coping Resources
Fei Wang, PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Namrata Mukherjee, MSW, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Joana Okine, MPhil, University of Alabama
Intergenerational Relationships/Grandparenting
Social Networks & Supports
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) A Qualitative Study on Pennsylvania Older Adults' Social Isolation
FangHsun Wei, Ph D, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; Christopher Harris, PhD, Kutztown University; Mary Rita Weller, PhD, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
COVID-19 Narrowed Down Black-White Older Adults’ Digital Divide in Telehealth: Subgroup Analysis of Gender, Education, and Income
Yanjun Dong, MA, State University of New York at Albany; Xia Yu Chen, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Kun Wang, PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton
American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Global Indigenous Populations (Indigenous Cluster)
Social, Cultural, and historical determinants of health
Asian and Asian-Pacific Islander-Focused Research (AAPIFR)
Social services access and utilization
The Role of Self-Rated Mental and Physical Health in Utilizing Healthcare Services Among Korean Americans
Yeddi Park, PhD, Fairfield University; Soyeon Cho, Ph.D., City University of New York; So-Youn Park, PhD, Kyonggi University
Black and African Diaspora Focused-Research (BADFR)
Health and mental health
The Clergy As Gatekeepers of Mental Health in Ghanaian Communities
Philip Elike, PhD, Austin Peay State University
Other issues pertaining to the population
Systems-Socialized Behaviors and Institutionalized Language – an Impact of Child Protective Services
Darcey Merritt, PhD, University of Chicago; Rachel Ludeke, PhD, MSW, Thomas Jefferson University; Julie Halverson, University of Toronto
Child Welfare (CW)
Child Welfare Services, Systems, and Workforce
Examining Factors Influencing Attitudes Toward Evidence-Based Practice Among Child Welfare Professionals
Sitao Chen, MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Marlo Perry, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Kinship/Foster Care/Adoption
First Placement Impact on Foster Parent Communication Satisfaction
Ethan Engelhardt, PhD, Auburn University; Morgan Cooley, PhD, Florida Atlantic University; Taylor Dowdy-Hazlett, PhD, University of Kentucky
Kinship/Foster Care/Adoption
Time to Permanency Among Children Who Experienced Placement Transitions between Family out-of-Home Care Settings
Meng-Hsuan Yu, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Roderick Rose, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Jinyung Kim, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Haksoon Ahn, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Terry Shaw, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Prevention and Intervention
Family Perspectives on a Preventative Approach to Child Welfare
Jessica Pettigrew, MSW, Colorado State University; Katie Golieb, MSW, Colorado State University; Marc Winokur, Ph.D., Colorado State University
Communities and Neighborhoods (C&N)
Community-level intervention research (place-based, identity-based, or interest-based)
"My Place to Get Resources and Entertain Myself When I'm Alone:" Use of Public Libraries By People with Serious Mental Illness
Emily Leickly, PhD, Washington State University; Liat Kriegel, PhD, Washington State University
Neighborhood indicators/effects and community health/well-being
Don't Talk like That! Personal Experiences with Discrimination and Its Impact on Upstanding Behavior
Melissa Ticozzi, BSW, University of Alabama; MacKenzie Dallenbach, MSW, University of Missouri-Columbia; Haelim Jeong, MSW, University of Alabama, School of Social Work; Anthony Fulginiti, PhD, University of Denver
Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ)
Justice-involved Special Populations (e.g., parents, aging, LGBTQ+, lifers)
Variation in Perceived Adequacy of Services for Victims of Crime from Marginalized Groups: Results from Logistic Regression of Organizational Survey Data
Allison Waters, MPP, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Tonya Van Deinse, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Cynthia Fraga Rizo, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Disability (D)
Inclusive Education and Accessibility in Learning
Predictive Role of Social Support on School Adjustment of University Students with Visual Impairment in Rivers State, Nigeria
Margaret Lombe, PhD, Boston University; Allwell Sunny Njigwum, PhD, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education; Tekena Alu Sukubo, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
Quality of Life and Well-being
The Impact of Mobile Literacy on Life Satisfaction Among Young Adults with Disabilities: The Mediating Effect of Social Capital
Shinyeong Hwang, MA, Sungkyunkwan University; Chang-Keun Han, PhD, Sungkyunkwan University
Gender (G)
Gendered experiences of families/parenting
Nurturing Dads and Partners: Findings from a Pilot Study of a Co-Parent Inclusive Fatherhood Intervention
Jennifer Bellamy, PhD, University of Denver; Shauna Rienks, PhD, University of Denver; Ashley Brock-Baca, PhD, University of Denver; Michael Holcombe, University of Denver; Kaylee Ortega, University of Denver; Jin Yao Kwan, PhD, University of Delaware
Reproductive justice
(WITHDRAWN) Safe Haven Laws in a Post-Roe World: Attitudes and Knowledge Among University Students
Emily Douglas, PhD, Montclair State University; Emily Morgan, Montclair State University
Health (H)
Epidemiology, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Chronic Diseases
Navigating Stigma in Disease Prevention: The Association between PrEP Use and Mpox Vaccination Among Sexual Minority Men
Gabriel Robles, PhD, LCSW, University of Southern California; Addam Reynolds, PhD, MSW, University of Southern California
Epidemiology, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Chronic Diseases
Factors Contributing to Iowa State-Certified Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Program Sustainability
Audrey Penningroth, MPH, University of Iowa; Morgan Pavon, MA, RD, LD, Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Epidemiology, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Chronic Diseases
"See, I've Been through This before": Parallels between the COVID-19 Pandemic and the AIDS Epidemic for Black Women Living with HIV in the U.S
Latoya Small, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles; Caitlin Lau, MSW, University of Utah; Sarah Godoy, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Immigrants and Refugees (I&R)
Immigrant health and mental health
(WITHDRAWN) Barriers to Mental Health Service Utilization Among Undocumented Latino Immigrant Adults
Katherine Alvarez, University of Central Florida; Xiaochuan Wang, PhD, University of Central Florida
Immigration policy and enforcement
Migration Policies As Social Determinants of Health Among International Graduate Students in the United States
Erick da Luz Scherf, MSW, The University of Alabama; Jihye Lee, MSW, Washington University in Saint Louis; Mitra Naseh, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis
Refugee resettlement policies and practice
Compassion Among Refugee Resettlement Workers in the United States
Stacey Shaw, PhD, Brigham Young University; Karin Wachter, PhD, Arizona State University; Graeme Rodgers, PhD, International Rescue Committee; Tatiana Rich, Brigham Young University
Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy (IP&SWP)
Measures, causes, and consequences of income and wealth inequality, material hardship, and poverty
Social policy and social welfare programs (Social security and safety net programs, such as conditional and unconditional cash assistance, TANF, SNAP, SSI, EITC and tax credits, Medicaid, and others)
Exploring the Relationship between Attitudes Toward Poverty, Belief in Structural Racism, and Support for Guaranteed Income: Results from a 2024 Nationally Representative Survey
Monica De La Cruz, MPH, University of California, Berkeley; Partha Pulmamidi, University of California, Berkeley; C.J. Miles, University of California, Berkeley; Cassondra Marshall, DrPH, MPH, University of California, Berkeley; Deborah Karasek, PhD, MPH, Oregon Health Sciences University; Tina Sacks, PhD, University of California, Berkeley; Anu Manchikanti Gomez, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
International Social Work & Global Issues (ISW&GI)
Heath disparities
(WITHDRAWN) Utilization, Access to Healthcare Services, and Unmet Healthcare Needs Among the Arab Bedouin Minority
Haneen Shibli, PhD, Ben Gurion University; Paula Feder-Bubis, PhD, Ben Gurion University; Limor Aharonson-Daniel, PhD, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Human rights advocacy
From Women’s Rights to Human Rights: How Iranian Women’s Social Justice Movements Become Invisible
Ariana Nasrazadani, University of Kansas; Pegah Naemi Jimenez, PhD, University of Kansas; Rhoswyn Hicks, University of Kansas
Poverty alleviation
Gender Transformative Approaches to Financial Health: A Systematic Review of Interventions in Resource Constrained Settings
Thabani Nyoni, PhD, Dalhousie University; Joshua Muzei, MBA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jamal Appiah-Kubi, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Moses Okumu, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; David Ansong, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; David Okech, PhD, University of Georgia; Lissa Johnson, MSW, Washington University in St. Louis
LatinX Focused-Research (LXFR)
Health and mental health
Impact of Hurricane Maria on Mental and Physical Health Among Puerto Ricans: A Matched Difference-in-Differences Analysis
Yuanyuan Yang, MPA, Washington University in Saint Louis; Danyi Li, MPA, MSP, University of Southern California; Ruopeng An, PhD, Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis
Mental Health (MH)
Mental Health Treatment and Services
(WITHDRAWN) The Effectiveness of Randomized-Controlled Interventions on Body Image Among Adult Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Yi-Fei Zhao, BA, Southeast University, School of Humanities; Margaret Xi Can Yin, PhD, Southeast University; M.Y. Hunag, BA, Southeast University,School of Humanities
Trauma Exposure
Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Differences in Mental Health and Social Support in Young Adulthood
Ryan Heath, PhD, LCSW, Syracuse University; Xiafei Wang, PhD, Syracuse University; Nayla Khoury, MD, MPH, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Trauma-Informed Care
Statewide Expansion of Trauma-Informed Training and Technical Assistance for Early Childhood Providers: Improving Providers: Attitudes Toward Trauma-Informed Care
Devon Musson Rose, MSW, University of Utah; Alysse Loomis, PhD, University of Utah; Kara Byrne, PhD, University of Utah; Samantha Ball, PhD, University of Utah; Sarah Robinson, MPH, The Children's Center Utah; Jennifer Mitchell, PhD, The Children's Center Utah
Organizations & Management (O&M)
Implementation Science- Evaluation, Diffusion, and Sustainment of Policies and Program Practices
Accelerating Organizational Change for Health Justice: Implementation Outcomes of Trauma-Informed Organizational Change Among Southern HIV Service Organizations
Megan Stanton, PhD, MSW, Eastern Connecticut State University; Samira Ali, PhD, MSW, University of Houston; Katie McCormick, LMSW, University of Houston; Marcus Stanley, MPH, University of Houston; Masonia Traylor, University of Houston; Vanessa Johnson, Ribbon Consulting Group; Linda Scruggs, Ribbon Consulting Group
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Uncovering Key Facilitators and Barriers to the Expansion of Social Finance in China
Xixi Kang, MSW, MSP, New York University; Ramesh Raghavan, PhD, New York University; Xu Hu, PhD, Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion at Renmin University of China
Race and Ethnicity (R&E)
Ethnic Minority Wellbeing
Racial and Ethnic Discrimination
Research Design and Measurement (RD&M)
Qualitative Research
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Navigating Parenthood: Exploring Parenting Strategies Among Youth Aging out of Foster Care
Rong Bai, PhD, East Carolina University; Cyleste Collins, PhD, Cleveland State University; Dmitry Tumin, PhD, East Carolina University; Cassie King, BA, East Carolina University; Reeve Kennedy, PhD, East Carolina University; Kevin White, PhD, East Carolina University
Quantitative Research
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Exploring Associations between Housing Instability and Child Welfare Outcomes: An Analysis of State-Level Factors
Rong Bai, PhD, East Carolina University; Chun Liu, PhD, Purdue University Northwest; Jeesoo Jeon, MSW, Case Western Reserve University; Kevin White, PhD, East Carolina University; Dmitry Tumin, PhD, East Carolina University; Eunice Lee, PhD, Cleveland State University
Secondary Data Analysis
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Heterogeneous Health Trajectories and Healthcare Utilization and Expenditure Among Low-Income Older Adults
Eunsun Kwon, PhD, Fairleigh Dickinson University; Seoyeon Ahn, PhD, Duke-NUS Medical School; Esther Shin, PhD, Illinois State University; Sojung Park, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis; BoRin Kim, PhD, University of New Hampshire, Durham; Soobin Park, MSW, Washington University in St. Louis
Research on Social Work Education (RSWE)
School Social Work (SSW)
Education, Behavior, and Mental Health Services and Practices
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO&GI)
Gender-based discrimination
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Dyadic Microaggressions in Same-Sex Couples: Conceptualizations, Measurement, Correlates, and Impacts
Chengshi Shiu, PhD, National Taiwan University; Jen-Hao Chen, PhD, National Chengchi University
LGBTQIA+ youth
Mental health
Which Comes First?: Depression and Sleep Disturbance Among Sexual Minority Men
Yein Yoon, MSW, School of Social Work, University of Georgia; Rachel Fusco, PhD, University of Georgia; Jeremy Gibbs, PhD, University of Georgia
Social Work Practice (SWP)
Direct Practice
Social Work Practitioners Training, Attitudes, and Actions Concerning Firearm Risk Assessment with Clients: A Call for Change
Patricia Logan-Greene, PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo; Mickey Sperlich, PhD, University at Buffalo; Alexis Speck Glennon, DSW, Colby-Sawyer College
Workforce Development
Mental Health Care Providers' Decisions to Practice in Rural Areas: Contributing Factors
Hannah MacDougall, PhD, MSW, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Carrie Henning-Smith, PhD, MPH, MSW, University of Minnesota; Selam Woldegerima, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Teri Fritsma, PhD, Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services; Andrew Olson, MD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB)
Family, Workplace, and Community
Reducing the Burden of Opioid Use Disorder in North Carolina: Epidemiological Trends and Harm Reduction Study
Beth Harmer, DSW, Western Carolina University; Aaron Brown, PhD LCSW, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Brook Alemu, PhD, Western Carolina University; Natalie Lembeck, BA, Western Carolina University; Erik Chaplinsky, BA, Western Carolina University
Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors over the Life Course
Correlates of Cannabis Concentrates Use Among Older Adults
Gregory Purser, PhD, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge; Leah Munroe, MSW, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge
Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors Policy
Anticipating the Impact of Bail Reform on Connecting People Who Use Drugs to Services upon Reentry in Illinois
Emmanuel Amoako, MSW, University of Chicago; Emily Claypool, A.M., University of Chicago; Rana Aburuman, MPPA, RRT, University of Chicago; India Hilty, University of Chicago; John Bresett, University of Chicago; Mary Shapley, MSW, University of Chicago; Antonio Jimenez, University of Illinois at Chicago; Basmattee Boodram, University of Illinois at Chicago; Mai Pho, University of Chicago; Harold Pollack, PhD, University of Chicago; Alida Bouris, PhD, University of Chicago
Sustainable Development, Environmental and Climate Justice (SDE&CJ)
Community adaptation, resilience, and capacity building
(WITHDRAWN) Challenges in Mainstreaming Gender When Designing Climate Relief Initiatives
Yiqi Zhu, PhD, Adelphi University; Jean-François Trani, Washington University in Saint Louis
Violence against Women and Children (VAWC)
Children Exposed to Violence
Dating Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Emergency Hotel Assistance Program for Survivors of Domestic Violence: Perspectives from Service Providers and Survivors
Tiara Kinsey-Dadzie, MPH, Ohio State University; Yeliani Flores, MSW, Ohio State University; Cecilia Mengo, PhD, Ohio State University; Shambika Raut, MSW, Ohio State University
Racial Justice and Interpersonal Violence
The Shadow Pandemic Effect: Service Providers' Response to Intimate Partner Violence Among Immigrant Women of Color during COVID-19
Yeliani Flores, MSW, Ohio State University; Shambika Raut, MA, MSW, Ohio State University; Cecilia Mengo, PhD, Ohio State University; Tiara Kinsey-Dadzie, MPH, Ohio State University; Julianna Nemeth, PhD, Ohio State University
Work and Work-Life Policies and Programs (WWLP&P)
Work/life and worker wellbeing
The Catch-22 of Telehealth: A Qualitative Study of Its Dual Impact on the Work Experiences and Well-Being of Mental Health Professionals
Erica Lizano, Ph.D., California State University, Fullerton; Clara Bergen, Ph.D., Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services; Britni Kay, MA, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services; Fred Pasquarella, MA, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services; Sae Lee, PhD, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services
Worklife policies, programs, and interventions
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