Session: (Separate Fee Required) Meet the Scientist Luncheon (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

01 (Separate Fee Required) Meet the Scientist Luncheon

Thursday, January 16, 2025: 12:15 PM-1:30 PM
Grand Ballroom A, Level 2 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
Jennifer L. Bellamy, PhD, University of Denver, David R. Hodge, PhD, Arizona State University, Kirk Foster, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, Yuanjin Zhou, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Eunhye Ahn, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis, Jane McPherson, PhD, MPH, LCSW, University of Georgia, Juan Rios, DSW, Seton Hall University, David Turner, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles and Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, New York University
The Society for Social Work and Research will be holding the annual Meet the Scientist Luncheon. This special session provides a forum for early career scholars including doctoral students, post docs, and assistant professors to talk and interact with invited scholars from all levels (postdocs, and assistant to full professor) who are leaders in social work research and the Society. Participants are encouraged to sit with invited scholars who are at career levels of interest and/or have similar research or advocacy interests. Early career scholars will have the opportunity to ask questions about career development, challenges in the field, research initiatives, and where the field might be heading. Each invited scholar will be seated at a table with up to 6 early career scholars.
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