Society for Social Work and Research

Sixteenth Annual Conference Research That Makes A Difference: Advancing Practice and Shaping Public Policy
11-15 January 2012 I Grand Hyatt Washington I Washington, DC

93 Poster Presentations I: Adolescent and Youth Development, Aging Services and Gerentology, Child Welfare, Crime and Criminal Justice, Gender and Ethnicity, Organizations and Management, Research on Social Work Education, School Social Work

Friday, January 13, 2012: 6:00 PM-7:45 PM
Independence F - I (Grand Hyatt Washington)
* noted as presenting author
Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL)
Academic Achievement
The Relation of the Timing of Divorce During Early or Late Adolescence to Educational Performance and High School Dropout
Marianne Stoesser, BSc, University of Windsor; Debra Hernandez-Jozefowicz, PhD, University of Windsor; Beth Kuhn, MSW, University of Windsor
Adolescent Violence/Delinquency Health
Trauma, Psychological Distress, and Suicide Risk Among Female Gang Members
Julia M. Noveske, MA, Case Western Reserve University; Mark I. Singer, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Mark S. Fleisher, PhD, Kent State University; Daniel Flannery, PhD, Kent State University; Jenni Bartholomew, MSW, Case Western Reserve University
Adolescent Violence/Delinquency Health
Suicidality and Health Risk Behaviors Among Youth In Juvenile Detention
Hyejung Oh, MSW, University of Georgia; Schnavia Smith Hatcher, PhD, University of Georgia; Dione Moultrie King, MSW, University of Georgia; Brian E. Bride, PhD, University of Georgia
Adolescent Violence/Delinquency Health
The Effects of Characteristics of Group Home On Juvenile Delinquency
Yu Ling Chiu, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Hui Huang, MA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Joseph P. Ryan, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Youth Development
Testing Predictors of Duration In Volunteer Youth Mentoring Relationships
Kevin R. Jones, MSW, MA, Portland State University; Tiffany A. Machia, BS, Portland State University
Youth Development
The Impact of Social Capital On Adolescent Internet Use In Korea
Yeonggeul Lee, MSW, University of Seoul; Ahraemi Kim, MSW, University of Southern California; Ju-Ill Kim, PhD, University of Seoul
Youth Development
Executive Function In Pre-Adolescent Prenatally Cocaine-Exposed Chidlren
Sonnia Minnes, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Meeyoung O. Min, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Miaoping Wu, BS, Case Western Reserve University; Lynn T. Singer, PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Youth Development
Intervention Exposure and Program Monitoring In An Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program
Deborah J. Monahan, PhD, Syracuse University; Vernon Greene, PhD, Syracuse University
Youth Development
An Investigation of the Criterion and Concurrent Validity of the Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA)
Douglas C. Smith, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ozge Sensoy Bahar, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Leah R. Cleeland, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Youth Development
Future Orientation and Risk Behavior Among Adolescents In Conflict with the Law In the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Kathryne B. Brewer, MSW, Columbia University; Michael J. MacKenzie, PhD, Columbia University; Robin E. Gearing, PhD, Columbia University; Craig S. Schwalbe, PhD, Columbia University; Rawan W. Ibrahim, PhD, Columbia University; Zeena Al-Amad, BA, Columbia University
Youth Development
Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G)
Care giving for the Elderly
The Role of Stress and Coping On the Health of Older Adult Residents In Assisted Living
Kyoung Hag Lee, PhD, Wichita State University; Dong P. Yoon, PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia; Soonhee Roh, PhD, New York University
Care giving for the Elderly
The Effect of Combined Use of Health and Long Term Care Services On Health of the American Older Adults: A Longitudinal Perspective
Sojung Park, MSW, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Min Hee Kim, MA, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Care giving for the Elderly
Care Recipient and Family Caregiver Perceptions of Everyday Care In Early-Stage Dementia: The Effect of Incongruence On Quality of Life and the Mediating Effects of Relationship Strain
Heehyul Moon, MSW, Case Western Reserve University; Aloen L. Townsend, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Carol Whitlatch, phd, Benjamin Rose Margaret Blenkner Research Institute
Care giving for the Elderly
The Contribution of Practice Skills In a Care Management Process for Family Caregivers of Older Adults
Jeannine M. Rowe, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; Rhonda J.V. Montgomery, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Care giving for the Elderly
Stress Process and Self-Rated Health Among Adult Children Caregivers to Older Adults In Shanghai, China
Weiyu Mao, MPhil, University of Southern California; Vivian, W.Q. Lou, PhD, University of Hong Kong
Productive Aging
Productive Aging
The Effect of Social Network Types On the Well-Being In the American Older Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis
Sojung Park, MSW, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Ji Young Kang, MSW, University of Washington; Ruth E. Dunkle, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Productive Aging
Volunteerism Among Older Adult Immigrants In the United States
Heejung Jang, BA, Washington University in Saint Louis
Child Welfare (CW)
Child Welfare Services and Systems
Substance Abuse Treatment Completion In Child Welfare: Does Substance Abuse Treatment Completion Matter In the Decision of Family Reunification?
Sam Choi, PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Hui Huang, MA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Joseph P. Ryan, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Child Welfare Services and Systems
The Children's Stability & Well-Being Study: Assessing Barriers to Educational Success
Sarah R. Zlotnik, MSW, MSPH, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Meredith Matone, MHS, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Cynthia Mollen, MD, MSCE, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Robin Mekonnen, MSW, ABD, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Amanda O'Reilly, MPH, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; David Rubin, MD, MSCE, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Child Welfare Services and Systems
Supportive Adult Relationships and Postsecondary Success for Foster Care Alumni
Amy M. Salazar, PhD, Portland State University; Kevin R. Jones, MSW, Portland State University
Child Welfare Services and Systems
Child Welfare Services and Systems
Child Welfare Services and Systems
Do Post-Investigation Services Reduce Re-Referral?
James D. Simon, MSW, University of Southern California; Jeremy Gibbs, MSW, University of Southern California; Devon Brooks, PhD, University of Southern California
Child Welfare Services and Systems
The Role of Social Support and Service Use In Promoting Permanence Among Children In the Child Welfare System
Khushmand Rajendran, PhD, MSW, Queens College; Brenda D. Smith, PhD, University of Alabama; Lynn Videka, PhD, New York University
Foster Care/Adoption
Openness and Post-Adoption Contact: A Comparison Between Non-Relative Foster and Private Adoptions
Monica Faulkner, PhD, LMSW, University of Texas at Austin; Elissa Madden, PhD, LMSW, University of Texas at Austin
Pathways Linking Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Health
Meeyoung O. Min, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Sonnia Minnes, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; HyunSoo Kim, MSSA, Case Western Reserve University; Lynn T. Singer, PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Antisocial Behavior Across the Transition to Adulthood: Prediction From Exposure to Family Violence
Aely Park, PhD, State University of New York at Albany; Carolyn A. Smith, PhD, State University of New York at Albany
Subtypes and Multiple Types of Child Neglect and Re-Report
Jiyoung Kang, MA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Martin Nieto, MA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Tamara Fuller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Impact of Child, Mother, and Neighborhood Factors On the Use of Corporal Punishment: A Longitudinal Repeated Measures Analysis
Na Youn Lee, MSW, MIA, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Jun Sung Hong, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Claudette L. Grinnell-Davis, MSW, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ)
Criminal Justice System
R U /18?: Sanctions for Youth Sexual Behavior
Erin Comartin, LMSW, Wayne State University; Poco D. Kernsmith, PhD, Wayne State University; Roger M. Kernsmith, PhD, Eastern Michigan University
Criminal Justice System
Asian American Men with Corrections System Involvement: Are Disparities Visible?
Junghee Lee, PhD, Portland State University; Lew Bank, PhD, Oregon Social Learning Center; Angela Cause, MSW, Portland State University; Bowen McBeath, Portland State University
Criminal Justice System
Substance Use and Misuse As Predictors of Recidivism In Mental Health Court
Kathi R. Trawver, MSW, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Violence against Women and Children
Violence against Women and Children
Predictors of Young Adult Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Child Maltreatment Victims
Lina Sapokaite Millett, MSW, Washington University in Saint Louis; Patricia L. Kohl, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis; Melissa Jonson-Reid, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis
Violence against Women and Children
Rabbinical Response to Domestic Violence
Amanda Sisselman, PhD, Yeshiva University
Violence against Women and Children
Gender and Ethnicity (G&E)
Ethnic Minority Groups
Strengthening Relationship Quality and Father Involvement Among Urban American Indians
Jonathan R. Padilla, BA, Brigham Young University; Gordon Limb, PhD, Brigham Young University
Ethnic Minority Groups
Understanding the Suburban Gang Population: Key Characteristics of Members Involved In the Criminal Justice System
R. Anna Hayward, PhD, MSW, State University of New York at Stony Brook; Charlotte Lyn Bright, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Ethnic Minority Groups
Ethnic Identification, Parental Monitoring, and Substance Use In Mexican American Adolescents
Julie Nagoshi, MSW, Arizona State University; Flavio Marsiglia, PhD, Arizona State University; Monica Parsai, PhD, Arizona State University; Felipe Gonzalez Castro, PhD, Arizona State University
Ethnic Minority Groups
Attitudes and Beliefs of Latino's with Diabetes: Deciphering the Lived Experience of Being Diagnosed
Erika Ruiz, MSSW, University of Texas at Arlington; Regina T. P. Aguirre, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington
Ethnic Minority Groups
Perceptions of Discrimination by Latinos In the United States
Raymond Sanchez Mayers, PhD, Rutgers University; Fontaine H. Fulghum, PhD, Rutgers University
Ethnic Minority Groups
Gender: Women�s/Men�s Issues
Differences In Sexual Assertiveness and Perceptions of HIV Risk In Ethnic Minority Women Aged 50 and Older
Robin J. Jacobs, PhD, MSW, Nova Southeastern University; Michael N. Kane, PhD, LCSW, ACSW, Florida Atlantic University
Gender: Women�s/Men�s Issues
Health Disparities of Childrearing Women with Disabilities
Mi-Ok Kim, PhD, Chonbuk National University; Seunghye Hong, PhD, University of Hawai`i; Hyun-Jun Kim, PhD, University of Washington
Diverse Patterns In the Use of Traditional and Western Health Services Among Asian Immigrants In the US
Hae-Nim Lee, MSW, Boston College; RaeHyuck Lee, MSW, Columbia University
Risk Factors of Depressive Symptoms Among Korean Immigrant Elders: A Comparison Between Canada and the U.S
Suk-Young Kang, PhD, Binghamton University State University of New York (SUNY); Wooksoo Kim, PhD, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
International Social Work and Global Issues (ISW&GI)
Human Trafficking
Coalition Building Challenges In Working with Victims of Human Trafficking
Rowena Fong, EdD, University of Texas at Austin; Melissa Moreno, JD, Catholic Charities Diocese of San Antonio
Organizations and Management (O&M)
Community Engagement and Advocacy
Factors Associated with Ethnic Minority Human Service Utilization: A Community and Organizational Analysis
Catherine M. Vu, MPA, MSW, University of California, Berkeley; Julian C. C. Chow, PhD, School of Social Welfare
Management, Leadership, and Organizational change
Assessing Nonprofit Capacity for Effectiveness Across Multiple Domains: VCEC Results In One State
Dennis Poole, PhD, University of South Carolina; Sarah Jane Rehnborg, PhD, University of Texas at Austin; Durgesh Kumar, MSW, University of South Carolina
Management, Leadership, and Organizational change
Management, Leadership, and Organizational change
The Impact of Person-Organizational Value Fit On Organizational Commitment
HaeJung Kim, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Chulhee Kang, PhD, Yonsei University
Management, Leadership, and Organizational change
Assessing Program Fidelity of a Faith Community Leadership Training to Support Recovery From Substance Use Disorders
Dnika J. Travis, PhD, University of Texas at Austin; Joy Learman, MSSW, University of Texas at Austin; Drew Brooks, Faith Partners, Inc; Richard Spence, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
Policy Research to Guide Organizational Decision Making
Workforce/Workplace Issues in Human Service Organizations
Caseload and Hourly Wage Disparities Among U.S. Dialysis Social Workers
Joseph R. Merighi, PhD, Boston University; Teri Browne, University of South Carolina
Workforce/Workplace Issues in Human Service Organizations
A Work Tenure Multi-Group Path Analysis of Intent-to-Leave, Burnout, and Job Stress: Does Employment-Based Social Capital Make a Difference?
Javier Boyas, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington; Leslie H. Wind, PhD, University of Southern California
Workforce/Workplace Issues in Human Service Organizations
A Latent Class Analysis of Job Satisfaction Among Caseworkers
Alex Redcay, MSW, Rutgers University; Carl F. Siebert, MBA, MS, Rutgers University; Darcy Clay Siebert, PhD, Rutgers University
Workforce/Workplace Issues in Human Service Organizations
Case Management Mentoring: An Evaluation of An Innovative Social Work Initiative
Catherine C. Breneman, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Research on Social Work Education (RSWE)
Educational Outcomes
Traveling Abroad and Social Work Students' Multicultural Competence: Can Travel Abroad Be a Substitute for Study Abroad?
Kayleigh N. Corbett, MSW, University of Wyoming; Shane M. Harkins, MSW, University of Wyoming; Wook-Jin Kim, PhD, University of Wyoming
Educational Outcomes
Strengthening Social Workers' Capability to Improve Clients Financial Capability and Economic Wellbeing: An Evaluation Study
Jodi M. Jacobson, PhD, LCSW-C, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Rebecca Sander, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Deborah Svoboda, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Audrey Elkinson, BA, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Educational Outcomes
Training Behavioral Healthcare Providers to Work with Military-Related Populations: What Do They Need to Know?
Jan A. Nissly, PhD, University of Southern California; Anthony Hassan, EdD, University of Southern California
Evaluation Research
Service-Learning In Accredited Baccalaureate Social Work Programs: National Survey Results
Helen E. Petracchi, PhD, University of Pittsburgh; Lisa Schelbe, MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Addie Weaver, MSW, MPA, University of Pittsburgh
Evaluation Research
Benefits and Challenges of Service-Learning In Baccalaureate Social Work Education
Helen E. Petracchi, PhD, University of Pittsburgh; Lisa Schelbe, MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Addie Weaver, MSW, MPA, University of Pittsburgh
School Social Work (SSW)
Social Work Services
Social Work Services
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