Society for Social Work and Research

Sixteenth Annual Conference Research That Makes A Difference: Advancing Practice and Shaping Public Policy
11-15 January 2012 I Grand Hyatt Washington I Washington, DC

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

4:00 PM-8:00 PM

Registration Open (Constitution Foyer)

6:30 PM-8:00 PM

Thursday, January 12, 2012

7:30 AM-8:00 PM

Registration Open (Constitution Foyer)

8:00 AM-10:00 AM

Publish, Not Perish: Essential Strategies for Writing Peer- Reviewed Articles (Farragut Square)
Speakers/Presenters: Brian Perron, PhD and Michael G. Vaughn, PhD

Research Opportunities At NIH (Franklin Square)
Speakers/Presenters: G. Stephane Philogene, PhD , Denise Juliano-Bult, MSW , Denise Pintello, PhD, MSW , Jacqueline Lloyd, PhD , Peggy Murray , Sid Stahl, PhD and Valerie Maholmes, PhD

Understanding Private Foundations (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: Maureen Martin and Lindsey Rossow-Rood

8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Structural Equation Modeling in Social Work Research (Independence B)
Speaker/Presenter: Natasha K. Bowen, PhD

Ethnographic Interviewing (Independence C)
Speaker/Presenter: Summerson Carr, PhD

Multilevel and Longitudinal Analysis (Independence D)
Speaker/Presenter: Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, PhD

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Secondary Data! (Independence E)
Speakers/Presenters: JoAnne McFarland O'Rourke, MSW and Lynette Hoelter, PhD

10:00 AM-10:15 AM

10:15 AM-12:15 PM

Building Research Capacity in Social Work Education Programs (Farragut Square)
Speakers/Presenters: Ruth G. McRoy, PhD , Joan Levy Zlotnik, PhD, ACSW , Jerry Flanzer, PhD and Carol M. Lewis, PhD


12:00 PM-5:30 PM

Exhibits Open (Independence Ballroom A)

12:30 PM-1:30 PM

1:30 PM-3:15 PM

Adolescent and Youth Development

Identifying the Pathways and the Risk and Protective Factors for Male Adolescent Sexual Offending and Delinquency (Arlington)
Symposium Organizer: George Leibowitz, PhD
Discussant: David L. Burton, PhD

Child Welfare

Engaging Fathers In Child Family Services to Improve Parenting and Reduce Child Maltreatment (Cabin John)
Symposium Organizer: Jennifer L. Bellamy, PhD
Discussant: Pajarita Charles, PhD

Organizations and Management

Research Design and Measurement

An Introduction to ARIMA and Harmonic Regression Time Series Analysis Methods (Independence E)
Speaker/Presenter: William R. Nugent, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Beyond Conventional Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Relaxing Model Constraints with Exploratory Structure Equation Model and Bayesian Estimation of Confirmatory Factor Analysis Modeling (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: G. Lawrence Farmer, PhD , Sarah McMahon, PhD and Chaya S. Piotrkowski, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
International Child Welfare Issues (Constitution C)
Moderator: Merav Jedwab, msw

Crime and Criminal Justice

[Oral Presentations]
Incarcerated Women (Constitution D)
Moderator: Rebecca J. Macy, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Diversity Among Asian Americans (Constitution E)
Moderator: Y. Joon Choi, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Health and Well-Being Among Vulnerable Populations (Farragut Square)
Moderator: Alexa Smith-Osborne, PhD

International Social Work and Global Issues

[Oral Presentations]
Child Welfare Practice and Policy in International Contexts (Franklin Square)
Moderator: Rocio Calvo, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Co-Morbidity and Dual Diagnosis (Independence B)
Moderator: Eric L. Garland, PhD, LCSW

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
A Look At Class and Effects of Welfare Reform (Independence D)
Moderator: Cheryl A. Hyde, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Oral Presentations]
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques (Latrobe)
Moderator: Donna M. Aguiniga, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Oral Presentations]
Instrument Validation Studies (McPherson Square)
Moderator: Rena Bina, PhD

Social Work Practice

[Oral Presentations]
Improving Cultural Competence (Roosevelt)
Moderator: David R. Hodge, PhD

Work, Family, and Family Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Child Care Arrangements, Subsidy Use, and Child Well-Being (Wilson)
Moderator: Allison C. De Marco, MSW, PhD

3:15 PM-3:30 PM

3:30 PM-5:15 PM

Invited Workshop: Journal Editors’ Forum on Scholarship to Advance Practice and Shape Public Policy (Franklin Square)
Speakers/Presenters: Mark W. Fraser, PhD , Rebecca L. Hegar, PhD , Matthew O. Howard, PHD , Michael R. Sosin, PhD and Bruce A. Thyer, PhD

Child Welfare

Parental Physical Punishment: Predictors, Consequences, and Intervention (Constitution C)
Symposium Organizer: Shawna J. Lee, PhD
Discussant: Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

Community Based Participatory Research In Refugee and Immigrant Communities (Constitution E)
Symposium Organizer: Elizabeth Lightfoot, PhD

Work, Family, and Family Policy

Beyond the Base: Military/Civilian Coordinated Responses to the Challenges of Families Impacted by Military Service (Wilson)
Symposium Organizer: Kathleen West, DrPH
Discussant: Kathleen West, DrPH

Adolescent and Youth Development

Social Network Analysis for Social Work Research (Arlington)
Speaker/Presenter: Eric Rice, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Conducting Latent Class Analysis with Mplus (McPherson Square)
Speaker/Presenter: Bridget E. Weller, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Child Welfare Permanency Outcomes (Cabin John)
Moderator: Andrew E. Zinn, PhD

Crime and Criminal Justice

[Oral Presentations]
International Perspectives on IPV and Sex Work (Constitution D)
Moderator: Lindsay Gezinski, MA, MSW

International Social Work and Global Issues

[Oral Presentations]
Human Rights Education and Youth Advocacy in International Settings (Independence B)
Moderator: Jane McPherson, MSW, MPH, LCSW

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Mental Health Among Adolescent and Low Income Mothers (Farragut Square)
Moderator: Sarah E. Bledsoe, PhD, MSW, MPhil

Organizations and Management

[Oral Presentations]
Community Organizations and Local Autonomy in a Global Context (Independence C)
Moderator: Julian C. C. Chow, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Challenges of Housing Instability and Homelessness (Independence D)
Moderator: Kristin M. Ferguson-Colvin, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Ethnic Disparity and Neighborhood Change (Independence E)
Moderator: Susan P. Kemp, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Oral Presentations]
Mental Illness Studies (Latrobe)
Moderator: Leopoldo J. Cabassa, PhD

Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

[Oral Presentations]
Drug Use and Youth (Roosevelt)
Moderator: Jorge Delva, PhD

5:15 PM-5:30 PM

5:30 PM-7:00 PM

7:00 PM-8:15 PM

Opening Reception (Constitution D/E)

Friday, January 13, 2012

7:30 AM-4:00 PM

Registration Open (Constitution Foyer)

8:00 AM-9:45 AM

Adolescent and Youth Development

Child Welfare

Gender and Ethnicity

Unpacking the “Cultural” In Social Work Practice with Immigrants (Constitution E)
Symposium Organizer: Rupaleem Bhuyan, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Mining the Gaps: Using Ethnographic Methods to Study the Interface of Policy, Administration, and Clinical Social Work Practice (Independence E)
Symposium Organizer: Yvonne N. Smith, AM
Discussants: Summerson Carr, PhD and Jerry Floersch, PhD

Sexual Orientation

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Research and Practice (Penn Quarter B)
Symposium Organizer: Maria T. Brown, LMSW
Discussant: Maria T. Brown, LMSW

Research Design and Measurement

Conducting Research with Muslims: National and International Perspectives (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: Altaf Husain, PhD , M. Taqi Tirmazi, PhD , Soleman H. Abu-Bader, PhD and Fariyal Ross-Sheriff, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

Is Debt the New Safety Net? Examining the Relationship Between Personal Debt and Social Policy (Independence D)
Speaker/Presenter: Mary E. A. Caplan, MSW

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Acculturation and Cross-Cultural Studies in Childhood and Adolescence (Burnham)
Moderator: Vanessa Vorhies, MSSW

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Community Context in Child Welfare (Constitution C)
Moderator: Christina M. Bruhn, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Diversity Issues in Child Welfare (McPherson Square)
Moderator: Hyeouk Chris Hahm, PhD

Crime and Criminal Justice

[Oral Presentations]
Interventions for Individuals Who Experience Violence or Incarceration (Constitution D)
Moderator: Martin T. Hall, PhD, MSSW

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Contextual Factors for Health Behaviors: Tobacco and Food (Farragut Square)
Moderator: Yoosun Park, PhD

International Social Work and Global Issues

[Oral Presentations]
International Perspectives on Managing Health and Finances (Franklin Square)
Moderator: Eun-Kyoung Othelia Lee, PH D

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment and Client Outcomes (Independence B)
Moderator: Jordana Muroff, PhD, MSW

Organizations and Management

[Oral Presentations]
Organizational and Workplace Factors That Matter in Child Welfare (Independence C)
Moderator: Nancy Claiborne, PhD

School Social Work

[Oral Presentations]
Improving School Climate (Penn Quarter A)
Moderator: Laura Hopson

Social Work Practice

[Oral Presentations]
Practice Research within An International Context (Roosevelt)
Moderator: Royce A. Hutson, PhD

Work, Family, and Family Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Low Income and Single Mother Families: Workplace, Low Wages and Resources (Wilson)
Moderator: Jennifer Swanberg, PhD

9:45 AM-10:00 AM

10:00 AM-11:30 AM

Invited Symposium: Promoting Positive Development in Children, Youth, and Families (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: Jeffrey M. Jenson, PhD , Richard F. Catalano, PhD , Neil B. Guterman, PhD and Mary McKay, PhD

10:00 AM-11:45 AM

Gender and Ethnicity

Promoting Social Justice for Latinos In An Anti-Immigrant Climate (Constitution E)
Symposium Organizer: Elizabeth A. Segal, PhD

Organizations and Management

Medicaid Expansion In Health and Social Services: Opportunities and Risks for Nonprofit Organizations (Independence C)
Symposium Organizer: Christina Andrews, MSW
Discussant: Harold Pollack, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

Ending Homelessness Through Housing First: Evidence and Implementation (Independence D)
Symposium Organizer: Benjamin Henwood, PhD
Discussant: Deborah K. Padgett, PhD

Work, Family, and Family Policy

Current Child Care Issues In Policy, Quality, and Use (Wilson)
Symposium Organizer: Marci Ybarra, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Correction of Rater Effects In Longitudinal Research with Three Innovative Methods (McPherson Square)
Speaker/Presenter: Shenyang Guo, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Implementing Qualitative Research with Children: Reconciling Qualitative Research Methods with the Unique Needs and Contributions of Children and Adolescents (Constitution C)
Speakers/Presenters: Lela Rankin Williams, PhD , Susan Saltzburg, PhD, MSW , Joan Letendre, PhD , Tally Moses, PhD , Lisa Schelbe, MSW and Amy Chanmugam, PhD, MSW

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Patterns of Substance Use and Antisocial Behavior Among Adolescents (Burnham)
Moderator: Antoinette Farmer, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Child Welfare Workforce Issues (Arlington)
Moderator: Mark S. Preston, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Foster Care Placement Decision-Making (Cabin John)
Moderator: Alan Detlaff, PhD

Crime and Criminal Justice

[Oral Presentations]
IPV Risk Assessment and Prevalence (Constitution D)
Moderator: Rachel E. Foster, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Health Disparities (Farragut Square)
Moderator: Jodi Berger Cardoso, MSSW

International Social Work and Global Issues

[Oral Presentations]
International Social Work: Empowerment of Women and the Elderly (Franklin Square)
Moderator: Shanta Pandey, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Maternal Depression and Child Outcomes (Independence B)
Moderator: Cristina Bares, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Oral Presentations]
Qualitative and Mixed Methods Studies (Independence E)
Moderator: Kelly Mills-Dick, MSW

School Social Work

[Oral Presentations]
Research on School Outcomes (Penn Quarter A)
Moderator: Andy Frey, PhD

Sexual Orientation

[Oral Presentations]
Health and Mental Health Issues Among Marginalized Populations (Penn Quarter B)
Moderator: Charles A. Emlet, PhD

Social Work Practice

[Oral Presentations]
Research on Children and Adolescents (Roosevelt)
Moderator: Eileen Mazur Abel, PhD

11:30 AM-7:45 PM

Exhibits Open (Independence Ballroom A)

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

1:15 PM-2:15 PM

Aaron Rosen Lecture: (Constitution A)
Speaker/Presenter: Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD

2:15 PM-2:30 PM

2:30 PM-4:00 PM

Invited Symposium: Race and Ethnicity in Research and Practice: What Difference Have We Made? (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: Rowena Fong, EdD , Karina Walters, PhD , Sean Joe, PhD, LMSW and Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, PhD

2:30 PM-4:15 PM

Child Welfare

Linking Child Welfare Records with Population-Level Data (Cabin John)
Symposium Organizer: Emily Putnam-Hornstein, PhD

Mental Health

Psychosocial Correlates of Postpartum Depression: Bridging Research and Practice (Franklin Square)
Symposium Organizer: Nanmathi Manian, PhD
Discussant: Sarah E. Bledsoe, PhD, MSW, MPhil

Research on Social Work Education

Gender and Ethnicity

Crafting Successful IRB Applications When Conducting Research with Battered Women: Challenges and Strategies (Constitution E)
Speakers/Presenters: Elithet Silva-Martínez, PhD , Judy L. Postmus, PhD and Amanda Mathiesen, MSW, LCSW

Health and Disability

Pathfinders: Forging a Partnership Between Social Work and Medicine to Conduct Psychosocial Intervention Research (Farragut Square)
Speakers/Presenters: Sophia K. Smith, PhD , Tina Staley, LCSW , Brad Zebrack, PhD and Amy P. Abernethy, MD

Research Design and Measurement

Design-Based Research: An Introduction for Social Work Researchers (Independence E)
Speakers/Presenters: Thomas C. Reeves, PhD and Patricia M. Reeves, PhD

Aging Services and Gerontology

Enhancing Psychosocial Care In Nursing Homes (Arlington)
Speakers/Presenters: Mercedes E. Bern-Klug, PhD, MSW , Joan Levy Zlotnik, PhD, ACSW and Sheryl Zimmerman, PhD

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Effects of Interventions for At-Risk Children and Youth (Burnham)
Moderator: Pamela A. Malone, PhD, LCSW

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Transitions of Former Foster Care Youth (Constitution C)
Moderator: Jennifer L. Hook, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Focusing on Men in Social Work Research (Constitution D)
Moderator: Otima Doyle, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Coping with Cancer in Adulthood (Independence B)
Moderator: Heather Honoré Goltz, PhD, LMSW

Organizations and Management

[Oral Presentations]
Organizational Factors That Shape the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice (Independence C)
Moderator: Lena M. Lundgren, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
International Social Work: Issues in Developing Countries (Independence D)
Moderator: Najwa S. Safadi, MSW

School Social Work

[Oral Presentations]
School-Based Health Services (Penn Quarter A)
Moderator: Leticia Sosa Villareal, PhD

Social Work Practice

[Oral Presentations]
Research on High Risk Populations (Penn Quarter B)
Moderator: S. Megan Berthold, PhD

Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

[Oral Presentations]
Associations with Substance Use, Behaviors and Treatment (Roosevelt)
Moderator: Malitta Engstrom

Work, Family, and Family Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Work, Family, and Social Policy During the Economic Downturn (Wilson)
Moderator: H. Luke Shaefer, PhD

4:15 PM-4:30 PM

4:30 PM-6:00 PM

6:00 PM-7:45 PM

President's Reception (Independence Ballroom A)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

8:00 AM-9:45 AM

Aging Services and Gerontology

Aging and Immigrantion (Burnham)
Symposium Organizer: Terry Y. Lum, PhD

Mental Health

The Family Context of Early Childhood Mental Health Problems (Franklin Square)
Symposium Organizer: Renee C. Edwards, AM
Discussant: Susan C. McDonough, PhD

Sexual Orientation

Work, Family, and Family Policy

Military Couples and Families Coping with the Deployment Cycle (Wilson)
Symposium Organizer: Ruth Paris, PhD
Discussant: Gary L. Bowen, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

Generalized Linear Models for Spatial Data In R: Free Software to Map Client Needs (Independence D)
Speaker/Presenter: Richard Smith, PhD

Child Welfare

Building Capacity for Child Welfare Research Through Improving Data Infrastructure and Culture Around Data Usage (Constitution C)
Speakers/Presenters: Terry D. Moore, MSW , Hye-Chung Kum, PhD, MSW, MS , C. Joy Stewart, MSW , Susan Smith, PhD , Meliny J. Staysa, MSW and Michael Dineen, MA

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Dating and Sexual Violence in Adolescence (Arlington)
Moderator: Binta Alleyne Green, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Child Maltreatment, Child Welfare, and Child/Youth Mental Health (Cabin John)
Moderator: Jennifer Elkins, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Health and Immigration (Constitution D)
Moderator: Daniel Lopez-Cevallos, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Immigration and Acculturative Distress (Constitution E)
Moderator: Blanca M. Ramos, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Multiple Challenges of Latino Families: Economic and Health Issues (Laffayette Park)
Moderator: Anna M. Santiago, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Health in Older Adults (Farragut Square)
Moderator: William D. Cabin, PhD, JD, MSW

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Systems of Care in Mental Health (Independence B)
Moderator: Lynn A. Warner, PhD

Organizations and Management

[Oral Presentations]
Trust, Advocacy, and Nonprofit Organizations (Independence C)
Moderator: Jennifer E. Mosley, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Oral Presentations]
Unanticipated Lessons and New Ideas to Promote Innovation in Social Work Research (Independence E)
Moderator: Michael Reisch, PhD

Research on Social Work Education

[Oral Presentations]
Impact of Social Work Scholarship; Dissertation Content; Student Research Knowledge (McPherson Square)
Moderator: Jeffrey R. Lacasse, PhD

Social Work Practice

[Oral Presentations]
Improving Social Work Practice Interventions (Roosevelt)
Moderator: Mark J. Macgowan, PhD

Social Work Practice

[Oral Presentations]
Research on Mental Health Services (Penn Quarter B)
Moderator: Fang-pei Chen, PhD

8:00 AM-2:00 PM

Registration Open (Constitution Foyer)

9:45 AM-10:00 AM

10:00 AM-11:30 AM

Invited Symposium: Shaping Public Policy: Poverty and Low Income Families (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: Roberta Rehner Iversen, PhD , Daniel R. Meyer, PhD , Susan J. Lambert, PhD and Yolanda C. Padilla, PhD

10:00 AM-11:45 AM

Adolescent and Youth Development

School-Based Bullying Prevention: Results From Intervention Trials In the US and Finland (Cabin John)
Symposium Organizer: Anne Williford

Gender and Ethnicity

Research Design and Measurement


Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

Client-Provider Relationship As An Active Ingredient In Delivery of Social Services (Roosevelt)
Symposium Organizer: Jeanne C. Marsh, PhD

Research on Social Work Education

Combining Efficacy Research and Epidemiology Traditions: Utilizing Data Analysis Methods In 100% Natural Agency Data In Evaluating What Works and In What Circumstances (Independence B)
Speakers/Presenters: Mansoor AF Kazi, PhD , Thomas Nochajski, PhD , Anne Bartone, MSW and Savra Frounfelker

Research Design and Measurement

Mixed Measures: Distinguishing Disability From Aging In Social Science Research On Successful Aging (Penn Quarter B)
Speakers/Presenters: Michelle Putnam, PhD , Terry Y. Lum, PhD and Elizabeth Lightfoot, PhD

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Promoting Academic Outcomes Among High School and College Students (Arlington)
Moderator: Micaela Mercado, MSW

Aging Services and Gerontology

[Oral Presentations]
End of Life Treatment Preferences (Burnham)
Moderator: Julia W. Buckey, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Macro Context & Child Outcomes (Constitution C)
Moderator: Emily M. Douglas, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Race and Health Disparities (Constitution D)
Moderator: Teri Browne

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Health Intervention, Evaluation and Implementation (Farragut Square)
Moderator: Sandra Magaña, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Discrimination and Disparities in Mental Health (Franklin Square)
Moderator: Christopher R. Larrison, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Family and Mental Health (McPherson Square)
Moderator: Keita Franklin, PhD

Organizations and Management


Sexual Orientation

[Oral Presentations]
Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men and Other MSM (Latrobe)
Moderator: Carmen Logie, MSW, PhD

Social Work Practice

[Oral Presentations]
Revisit What We Know: Critical Evaluation of Existing Practice and Knowledge (Independence D)
Moderator: Barbara Probst, PhD

Work, Family, and Family Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Workers Centers, Workforce Development, and the Realities of Low-Wage Jobs (Wilson)
Moderator: Elizabeth Weigensberg, PhD

10:00 AM-1:00 PM

Exhibits Open (Independence Ballroom A)

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

1:00 PM-2:15 PM

Doctoral Student Panel and Reception: Influencing Change: Using Research to Impact Social Policy (Constitution A)
Speakers/Presenters: Edolphus Towns, MSW , Michael Sherraden, PhD and Randy Capps, PhD

1:15 PM-2:15 PM

National Research Capacity Building Initiative Roundtable: Advancing Social Work Research and Strategic Planning (Constitution B)
Speakers/Presenters: Rowena Fong, EdD , Sarah Gehlert, PhD and Jeanne C. Marsh, PhD

2:15 PM-2:30 PM

2:30 PM-4:00 PM

Invited Symposium: Research and Career Development to Make A Difference: Stories From Mid-Career Scholars (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: Yoonsun Choi, PhD , Taryn Lindhorst, PhD , Seana Golder, PhD , Yoosun Park, PhD and Kristen S. Slack, PhD

2:30 PM-4:15 PM

Special Session: Promoting Early- and Mid-Career Diverse Scholars Through Grantmaking, Mentoring, and Networking: RWJF’s New Connections Program (Constitution B)
Speakers/Presenters: Howard Walters, MSS/MLSP , Marah A. Curtis, PhD , Robert Dunigan, PhD , Henrika McCoy, PhD and Edith G. Arrington, PhD

Health and Disability

The Incorporation of Biological and Genetic Markers In Social Work Research (Constitution E)
Symposium Organizer: Jan Steven Greenberg, PhD

Sexual Orientation

Risk, Identity, and Engagement Among Sexual Minority Youth: Innovative Approaches and Future Directions (Latrobe)
Symposium Organizer: Colleen M. Fisher, PhD
Discussant: Diane Elze, PhD

Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

Work, Family, and Family Policy

Workforce Development: The Process and Prospects of Improving Employment Outcomes Among Vulnerable Workers In Today’s Economy (Arlington)
Symposium Organizer: Susan Lambert, PhD
Discussant: Laura Lein, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Endogeneity and Approaches to Its Correction: Advanced Topics In Program Evaluation (Independence E)
Speakers/Presenters: Shenyang Guo, PhD and Qi Wu, MSW

Organizations and Management

Social Innovation (Independence C)
Speakers/Presenters: Stephanie C. Berzin, PhD and Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, PhD

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Qualitative Approaches to Understanding Adolescent Development and Behavior (McPherson Square)
Moderator: Mimi V. Chapman, PhD

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Research with Young Adult Populations (Wilson)
Moderator: Carolyn A. Smith, PhD

Aging Services and Gerontology

[Oral Presentations]
Interventions in Family & Homebased Caregiving (Burnham)
Moderator: Zvi D. Gellis, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Parenting & Child Welfare (Cabin John)
Moderator: Thomas M. Crea, PhD, LCSW

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Risky Behaviors of Children & Youth (Constitution C)
Moderator: Dorian Traube, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Stress and Psychological Outcomes (Constitution D)
Moderator: Kelly F. Jackson, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
HIV/AIDS Globally (Farragut Square)
Moderator: Bridget E. Weller, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Outcome Research the Serious Mental Illness (Franklin Square)
Moderator: George Unick, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Racial Disparities in Mental Health and Service Use (Independence B)
Moderator: Karen D. Lincoln, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Recovery, Resilience, and Reintegration (Penn Quarter B)
Moderator: David Kondrat, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Intervention Effects in Work with Young Homeless Adults (Independence D)
Moderator: Kimberly A. Bender, PhD

4:15 PM-4:30 PM

4:30 PM-6:15 PM

Invited Workshop: Journal Editors’ Forum on Publishing Qualitative Research (Franklin Square)
Speakers/Presenters: Jerry Floersch, PhD , Ian F. Shaw, PhD , Roy Ruckdeschel, PhD , Susan Mason, PhD , Mark W. Fraser, PhD and Carol Tosone, PhD

Child Welfare

Research Partnerships for Strengthening Child Welfare Practice In Indian Country (Cabin John)
Symposium Organizer: Cathryn C. Potter

Poverty and Social Policy

Exploring the Potential of Assets to Increase Human Capital Using Randomized Experiments (Independence C)
Symposium Organizer: Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PHD
Discussant: Ray Boshara, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

An Instrumental Variable Approach to Causal Inference In Social Work Research (Independence E)
Symposium Organizer: Lucy Bilaver, PhD

Social Work Practice

Research Design and Measurement

Practical Uses of IRT and DIF for Social Work Research and Evaluation (Wilson)
Speakers/Presenters: Carl F. Siebert, MBA, MS and Darcy Clay Siebert, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

Roundtable On Disciplining the Poor: Neoliberal Paternalism and the Persistent Power of Race (University of Chicago Press, 2011) (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: Frances Fox Piven, PhD , Michael Lipsky, PhD , Scott W. Allard, PhD and Steven Smith, PhD

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Trajectories of Junveile Offending and Substance Abuse (Arlington)
Moderator: Cynthhia Weaver, PhD

Aging Services and Gerontology

[Oral Presentations]
Issues of Mental and Physical Functioning in Later Life (Burnham)
Moderator: Pat Conway, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Gender Issues in Child Welfare (Constitution C)
Moderator: Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Understanding Experience Through Varied Methodologies (Constitution D)
Moderator: Karen Kayser, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
HIV Risk and Sexual Behavior (Constitution E)
Moderator: Patricia M. Morse, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Risk and Protective Factors for Mental Health (Farragut Square)
Moderator: Scott D. Easton, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Self-Injury and Suicidality and Mental Health (Independence B)
Moderator: Marilyn F. Downs, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Interventions At Work: Do They Make a Difference (Independence D)
Moderator: Melissa Radey, PhD

Research on Social Work Education

[Oral Presentations]
Social Work Education: Innovations and Outcomes (McPherson Square)
Moderator: Shawn A. Lawrence, PhD

Sexual Orientation

[Oral Presentations]
Sexual Minorities and Religion: Examining and Resolving Conflicts (Latrobe)
Moderator: Denise L. Levy, PhD, LCSW

Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

[Oral Presentations]
Opiate and Drug Use (Roosevelt)
Moderator: Kris Clarke, PhD

6:15 PM-8:00 PM

Reception (Independence Ballroom A)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

7:30 AM-8:30 AM


8:30 AM-8:45 AM

8:45 AM-10:30 AM

Child Welfare

The Development of Community Alternatives to Institutional Care for Children In Jordan: The Community–Family Integration Team Project (Cabin John)
Symposium Organizer: Craig S. Schwalbe, PhD
Discussant: Alean Al-Krenawi, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Using Longitudinal Person-Centered Analyses to Estimate Intervention Effects In Controlled Trials (Independence E)
Symposium Organizer: Mark W. Fraser, PhD

School Social Work

Research Design and Measurement

Item Response Theory and Its Use In Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Studies (Laffayette Park)
Speaker/Presenter: William R. Nugent, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Phenomenological Approaches to Research On Sensitive Topics (Arlington)
Speaker/Presenter: Jane F. Gilgun, PhD, LICSW

Social Work Practice

Completing a Campbell Systematic Review (Franklin Square)
Speakers/Presenters: Paul Montgomery, PhD , Joanne Yaffe, PhD and David L. Albright, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

Social Work Research & Current IRB Issues : Minimal Risk, Global, Vulnerable, Waivers of Consent (Constitution D)
Speakers/Presenters: Andre' Ivanoff, PhD , Betty J. Blythe, PhD , Kristin Heffernan, PhD , Andrea Cole, MSW and Emily Collins, MS

Social Work Practice

Examining Beliefs, Barriers, Policies, and Evaluation Procedures In International Social Work and Fostering Family Connections (Penn Quarter B)
Speakers/Presenters: Carl F. Siebert, MBA, MS , Julie M. Koivunen, PhD , Felicity Northcott, PhD , Wendy Jeffries, MPP and Fiona Conway Cumberbatch, BA

Aging Services and Gerontology

[Oral Presentations]
Stress and Coping Among Caregivers and Care Receivers (Burnham)
Moderator: Sandra S. Butler, PhD

Crime and Criminal Justice

[Oral Presentations]
Macro Perspectives on Women's Experiences of and Treatment for IPV (Constitution C)
Moderator: Sarah McMahon, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Health Policy and Health Services (Farragut Square)
Moderator: Susan L. Parish, PhD, MSW

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
HIV-Related Stigma and Mental Health (Constitution E)
Moderator: David J. Brennan, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Psychosocial Issues and Health in Older Adults (Wilson)
Moderator: Pamela P. Y. Leung, PhD

Organizations and Management

[Oral Presentations]
Vicarious Stress, Worker Safety, and Turnover in Child Welfare (Independence B)
Moderator: Hanae Kanno, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Neighborhood Effects for Diverse Population Groups (Independence C)
Moderator: Saijun Zhang, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Programs and Policies for People with Low Income or Disability (Independence D)
Moderator: Michael Wolf-Branigin, PhD

Sexual Orientation

[Oral Presentations]
Research on Sexual Minority Youth (Penn Quarter A)
Moderator: Damien T. Frierson, MSW

Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

[Oral Presentations]
Substance Use Treatment and Outcomes (Roosevelt)
Moderator: Debra Woody, PhD

10:30 AM-10:45 AM

10:45 AM-12:15 PM

Child Welfare

Troubled and Poor: Poverty, Policy, and the Child Welfare System (Burnham)
Symposium Organizer: Jennifer L. Romich, PhD
Discussant: Corey S. Shdaimah, PhD

International Social Work and Global Issues

Social Work Practice


Research Design and Measurement

Uses, Meanings, and Experiences of Reflexivity At Each Stage of the Research Process (Independence E)
Speakers/Presenters: Barbara Probst, PhD , Ian F. Shaw, PhD , Marie L. McCormick, PhD and Kay Scott, LCSW-R, CASAC

Health and Disability

Health Care Reform: Implications for Social Work Practice, Research and Policy In Medical Settings (Laffayette Park)
Speakers/Presenters: Eve Ekman, MSW , Elizabeth Horevitz, MSW , Megan Moore, MSW and Jennifer Price Wolf, MPH, MSW

Organizations and Management

Using Implementation Science Evaluation Frameworks to Guide Organizational Decision Making Related to Complex System Reforms In Public Child Welfare (Independence B)
Speakers/Presenters: Mary I. Armstrong, PhD , Diane DePanfilis, PhD, MSW , Julie S. McCrae, PhD , Brian Deakins, MSW , Cathryn C. Potter and Junqing Liu, PhD

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Oral Presentations]
Youth At Risk: Needs Assessment; Correlates, and Interventions (Arlington)
Moderator: Johanna Thomas, PhD

Child Welfare

[Oral Presentations]
Young Children in Child Welfare (Cabin John)
Moderator: Rachel A. Fusco, PhD

Crime and Criminal Justice

[Oral Presentations]
The Effects of Violence and Parental Incarceration on Children and Youth (Constitution C)
Moderator: Stella M. Resko, PhD

Gender and Ethnicity

[Oral Presentations]
Understanding Transitions for Immigrants and Refugees (Constitution D)
Moderator: Hugo Kamya, PhD

Health and Disability

[Oral Presentations]
Theory and Values for Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries (Constitution E)
Moderator: Robert J. Barney, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Global Issues in Mental Health (Franklin Square)
Moderator: Christopher G. Hudson, PhD

Mental Health

[Oral Presentations]
Youth Mental Health Service Use and Continuity (Wilson)
Moderator: Crystal D. Williams, MSW

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Race, Class,Disadvantage, and Change (Independence C)
Moderator: Julia F. Hastings, PhD

Poverty and Social Policy

[Oral Presentations]
Spatial Mismatches, Movement Across Programs, and Increasing Enrollments: What Have We Learned? (Independence D)
Moderator: Heidi L. Allen, PhD

School Social Work

[Oral Presentations]
Solving School Problems (McPherson Square)
Moderator: Judith L. F. Rhodes, PhD

Sexual Orientation

[Oral Presentations]
Victimization and Violence Among Sexual Minorities (Penn Quarter A)
Moderator: James I. Martin, PhD

Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

[Oral Presentations]
Treatment Access and Outcomes (Roosevelt)
Moderator: Audrey L. Begun, PhD