Abstract: Perceptions of Police, Safety and Collective Efficacy in Neighborhoods Receiving Community-Oriented Policing Servcies (Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference - Ensure Healthy Development for all Youth)

Perceptions of Police, Safety and Collective Efficacy in Neighborhoods Receiving Community-Oriented Policing Servcies

Friday, January 13, 2017: 2:05 PM
La Galeries 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
* noted as presenting author
Paula J. Yuma, PhD, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Background and Purpose: Hotspot policing and community engagement were central to the revitalization efforts in an urban, Southwestern community experiencing disproportionate levels of crime.  This area, known as ‘Rundberg’, is a collection of neighborhoods with a diverse population. Sixty-five percent of the residents speak a language other than English and the population is socioeconomically challenged compared to other areas in the city. The three highest crime areas within the Rundberg area have been designated as crime hotspots. The Police Department has implemented intensive community policing strategies in these areas.

The purpose of this survey study is to assess whether these strategies are showing promise in terms of: perceptions of police, perceived neighborhood safety, neighborhood attachment, collective efficacy and social cohesion.   Each of these concepts contribute to crime reduction and quality of life. 

Methods: Sampling and survey administration. The Rundberg Community Survey was administered in English and Spanish to residents who live and/or work in the community.  Purposive sampling was used to engage participants door-to-door, online, and at community events.  All of the door-to-door surveys were administered within the three hotspots.

Survey design and data analysis. The survey included demographic questions and validated measures of perceptions of police, perceived neighborhood safety, neighborhood attachment, collective efficacy and social cohesion.  The survey was translated to Spanish and back-translated. Respondents provided the nearest intersection to their home, which was used to determine if they live within a crime hotspot.  Survey scale scores for residents of hotspots (n=137) were compared to scores of residents not residing in hotspots (n=174) using independent samples t-tests.

Results: Survey participants self-identified as 46% Latino/a, 41.8% White, 6.3% Black and 3.6% other race/ethnicity.  Participants were 56.4% female and about half reported renting their homes.  One hundred percent of the online surveys (n=98), 93% of the community event administered surveys (n=114) and 29% of the door to door surveys (n=123) were administered in English; the rest were administered in Spanish. 

Perceptions of police were significantly more positive in the hotspots receiving community policing services (M= 9.06, SD=2.03) compared to the rest of the community (M=7.87, SD=2.15), t(281)=4.75 p≤.001.  Residents living within the hotspots endorsed significantly lower levels of collective efficacy [M=7.23, SD=2.62 vs. M=8.46, SD=2.42, t(282)=-4.09, p≤.001] and neighborhood attachment [M=7.71, SD=2.30 vs M=8.45, SD=2.16, t(292)=-2.80, p<.01] compared to their counterparts in the rest of the neighborhood.  There were no significant differences on perceived neighborhood safety or social cohesion. 

Conclusion and Implications:  Positive perceptions of police in the hotspots suggest the community policing effort helped to develop a trusting relationship between hotspot residents and the police.  However, residents in the hotspots scored lower on collective efficacy, an important mechanism for preventing crime, and on neighborhood attachment, indicating they have a stronger desire to leave their neighborhoods. The study is limited by purposive sampling and the inability of a cross-sectional survey to demonstrate causality. Future efforts should focus on developing collective efficacy and social cohesion to reduce neighborhood crime and increase attachment in a sustainable manner.