Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference - Ensure Healthy Development for all Youth: Browse by Speaker (A)
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Presenter Index
Browse by Speaker: A
Aarons, Gregory
The Effects of Transformational Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange on Attitudes Toward Feedback
How Leadership Approaches Enhance the Influence of Transformational Leaders on the Implementation of Evidence-Based and Culturally Responsive Health Care Practices
Identifying and Ranking Implicit Leadership Strategies to Promote Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Addiction Health Services
AbiNader, Millan A.
Grounding Research, Teaching, and Practice in Innovative Theories of Social Justice
Abraham, Amanda
State Medicaid Benefits and Availability of Substance Use Disorder Services
Abrams, Laura S.
Progress and Challenges in Conducting Research with Hard-to-Reach Youth and Young Adult Populations
SIG: Qualitative Methods
Abrams, Laura S.
Publishing Qualitative Research: Common Pitfalls and Solutions
Accomazzo, Sarah
Exploring Growth in Strengths for Youth in Contact with a Public Behavioral Health System
Examining the Growth in Social Emotional Competence Among Young People Participating in Youth Development Programs
The Strengths of Youth in a Public Behavioral Health System: Prevalence and Group Differences
Predictors of Rater Bias in the Assessment of Social Emotional Competence
Acharya, Kruti
Adverse Family Experiences Are Associated with Age of Diagnosis Among Children with ASD
Acquati, Chiara
Couples Coping with Breast Cancer Across the Developmental Trajectory: Examining the Role of Mutuality in Predicting Dyadic Coping of Patients and Partners in Younger and Older Dyads
Understanding the Experience of Younger Women with Breast Cancer and Their Partners: A Cross-Sectional Investigation
Acquavita, Shauna P.
Evaluating SBIRT Training and Implementation: Challenges and Solutions
Acri, Mary
Associations Between Child and Parent Mental Health Among Families of Color Living in Poverty Impacted Communities
Youth Perspectives on Depression and Adult Caregiver Practices: Secondary Analysis of Data from the Collaborative HIV Prevention and Adolescent Mental Health Program in South Africa (CHAMPSA)
Adamek, Margaret
RCDC Research Roots & Wings Roundtable 2: Spreading Wings through Alternative Dissertations
Addo, Reuben
Factors That Predict Leaving Treatment Against Professional Advice Among Homeless Heroin Users
Aden, Muna
Individual, Social, and Structural Correlates of Delayed Access to HIV-Related Care Among Women Living with HIV in an Urban Setting: Implications for Social Work Practice
Adhikari, Bandhu
Remaking the Map of Refugee Resettlement: A Community-Based, Nationwide Case Study of Refugee-Driven Vis-a-Vis Policy-Driven Refugee Geography
Adkins, Tina E.
Family Minds: A Short-Term Psychoeducational Intervention Increases Mentalizing Skills in Foster Parents
Adorno, Gail F.
Measuring Child Welfare Service Providers' Use of Trauma-Informed Practices: The Child Welfare Trauma-Informed Individual Assessment Tool
Afkinich, Jenny
After-School Programs (ASP) in Public Elementary Schools: A National Analysis of Program Delivery for Free, Fee-Based, and Other Types of Asps
Impact of Race on Juvenile Transfer Decisions: A Narrative Review of the Literature
Agha, Erum
Resettled Refugee Women in the United States: Challenges in the Transition Process
Agius, Elizabeth
Using Facebook Advertisements for Cost-Effective Recruitment of Young Adults
Aguimatang, Jose
Advance Directives Information Delivery in Medicare/Medicaid Funded Agencies: An Exploratory Study
Aguinaldo, Laika
If We Want to Ensure Healthy Development for Youth, Where Is Social Work in the Field of Suicide Research?
Aguiniga, Donna M.
�They Have to be Good with Kids�: Low-Income Mothers' Hopes and Concerns about Their Intimate Partners As (Potential) Father Figures
Developing Macro Practice Skills in Students: A Critical Aspect of Professional Identity
Dependent upon the Shelter: Awareness and Use of Social Services By Homeless Youth
Ahmadinejad, Mitra
Risk and Resilience: Drug Use Among Refugee Households; Case of Afghan Refugees in Iran
SIG: Immigration and refugees studies
Ahn, Haksoon
The Better Facilitators' Competence Leads to the Higher Level of Participants' Engagement? an Empirical Study from the Family Involvement Meeting (FIM)
Implementation of Quality Assurance Model to Evaluate Child Welfare Policy and Practice
Responding to Child Maltreatment: Comparison Between the United States and China
Ahn, Jooree
Creating and Implementing an Evidence Informed Intervention to Enhance the Quality of Supervised Parent/Child Visits
Ahn, Suran
Participation in Disaster Recovery in Rural Communities: Comparison of the Haiti Earthquake and U.S. Hurricane Katrina
Do Employment and Training Programs Help Young Adults Attain Labor Market Success?: Event History Analysis
Ahrens, Kym R.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Youth Aging out of Foster Care: A Latent Class Analysis
Aifah, Angela
A Systematic Review of Diabetes Risk Environment and Protective Factors in Africa: Implications for International Social Work
Aira, Toivgoo
Community-Based Social Welfare Services in Mongolia: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Assessment
Akesson, Bree
Parenting Under Adversity: A Critical Analysis and a Future Agenda for Social Work Research and Practice Spanning Domestic and Global Contexts
Occupying Masculinities: Fathering in the Palestinian Territories
Akilova, Mashura
Parents' and Children's Attitudes on Child Labor: Insights from Research in Turkey and Tajikistan
Akin, Becci A.
A Randomized Effectiveness Trial of Evidence-Based Parent Training for Children with Serious Mental Health Problems: Six Month Child Well-Being Outcomes
Implementing with Science: Integrating Research and Practice to Develop Trauma-Informed, Data-Driven Child Welfare Systems
Cross-System Views on the Supports and Challenges of Adoption from Foster Care
The Hidden Influence of Social Desirability Bias: Assessing the Validity of a Parenting and Family Skills Assessment to Measure Change over Time in Child Welfare
Examining Response Shift in the Evaluation of Self-Reported Program Impact within Child Welfare Settings
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Substance Using Individuals: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study
Using a Cross-System, Multi-Informant Approach to Develop a Trauma-Informed, Data-Driven Child Welfare System
Effect of a Parenting Intervention on Foster Care Re-Entry Among Substance-Affected Families
Akincigil, Ayse
Impact of a Cmhc-Based Health Home Model on Adherence to Psychotropic Medications for Medicaid Beneficiaries Living with Severe Mental Illness
Al Rawwad, Tamara
Changing Risk While Changing Structures: The Potential of a University-Based HIV Prevention Intervention
Latino Best Start Curriculum: Development and Implementation of Community Based Programs Supporting Breastfeeding in the Latino Community
Al-Tayyib, Alia
Social Norms Regarding Prescription Drug Misuse Among Homeless Youth
Alboroto, Richard
Identification and Prediction of Child Behavior Trajectories Among Children Who Have Experienced Maltreatment
Albrecht, Katie
The Effects of Stepsibling Relationships on Substance Abuse
Albright, David L.
Use of College Mental Health Services Among Gender Minority Service Member and Student Veterans
Validating Measurements of Veteran Community Reintegration (VCR) Risk & Resilience Factors to Empower Veterans, Their Children, Families and Our Communities
Albright, David L.
Immigrants' Health Care: Review and Call for Social Work Research and Action
Physical Health Characteristics of Student Service Members and Veterans By Sexual Orientation
Predictors of Depression Diagnoses and Undiagnosed Depression Symptoms in United States Female Veterans: Results from a National Survey and Implications for Programming
Albritton, Travis
Differential Effects of Household Assets on Students' Time Use
Taking Stock of the Education for All Initiative: A Spatial and Gender Perspective on Junior High School Graduation
Alessi, Edward J.
Experiences of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in the Child Welfare System
Engaging in Clinically and Developmentally Informed Research with Sexual and Gender Minority Youth
Supporting Lgbtq Refugees' Mental Health in Canada: Lessons from the Front Lines
Alhajri, Wafa
Predictors of Educational Outcomes for Foster Youth Who Received Independent Living Services in Indiana
Alhassan, Mustapha
Differential Effects of Household Assets on Students' Time Use
Taking Stock of the Education for All Initiative: A Spatial and Gender Perspective on Junior High School Graduation
Ali, Latifa Mahram
�Sometimes I Think It Was Better That I Died in My Country Than Coming Here:� Assessing Mental Health and Service Needs Among Refugees in Malaysia
Ali, Samira
Changing Risk While Changing Structures: The Potential of a University-Based HIV Prevention Intervention
Qualitative Methods in Health and Disability Research
The Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Asylum Seekers in New York City
Allan, Kate
Caregiver Physical Health Issues and Maltreatment: An Exploration
Exploring Physical Punishment and Physical Abuse in Child Protection Investigations: A 10 Year Review
Allen, Alex K.
Sexual Minority Seniors: Coping Strategies for Health Needs in Late Life
Allen, Christopher T.
Predicting Violence Preventative Behavior Among an International Sample of Men Attending Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programming
Allen, Heidi L.
The Value-Added of a Social Work Policy Perspective for Population Health
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Cardiovascular Risk-Factors Among Low-Income Uninsured Adults: Will Medicaid Make a Difference?
Allen, J. Lloyd
Going Beyond the H-Index: Exploring African American Faculty Scholarship and Its Character Using 3-Additional Metrics from the Publish or Perish Site
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Treatment Utilization and Subsequent Misuse of Prescription Opioids
I Wanted My Father in the Picture! Exploring the Experiences of Black Men Living with Depression
African American Faculty Scholarship in Schools of Social Work: Overcoming Barriers and Achieving Research Productivity
Almada, Lorenzo
The Effects of SNAP on Non-Food Expenditure: An Instrumental Variables Approach
Almeida, Joanna
School Social Workers' Perceptions of Microaggression in K-8 School Settings: An Exploratory Study
Alpert, Lily
Setting up for Success: Principles of Big Data Practice and the Science of Implementation
Research Evidence Use and Outcomes in the Child Welfare System
Altamirano, Bianca N.
American Indian Rural Youth and Mental Health: Community Knowledge and Methods for Help-Seeking
Altschul, Inna
Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Associations Between Maternal Spanking and Child Aggression Are Not Moderated By Race, Although Levels of Spanking Differ Among Racial Groups (WITHDRAWN)
Alvarado, Jessica Rae
Factors Impacting Perceived Control and Depression in Older Adults of Different Racial/Ethnic Groups
Alvarez, Anthony
The Meaning of Credit Scores: Financial Citizenship and Family Obligations
Alvarez, Antonia R.G.
Indigenous Youth Rise up: A Mixed Methods Study of Identity and Risk Among Indigenous/Latino Youth
Intervention Research Supporting Lgbtq Students in Field
Addressing Lgbtq Microaggressions in Social Work Field Education: A Case Study
Performance Pedagogies in Suicide Prevention Research: (Re)Presenting Queerness in Indigenous Communities
Amaro, Hortensia
Research on Social Determinants of Health from a Transdisciplinary Perspective: Social Work and Nursing
Randomized Clinical Trial of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Treatment Retention and Relapse Prevention Among Women in Residential SUD Treatment
Amin, Shahla
Impact of a Cmhc-Based Health Home Model on Adherence to Psychotropic Medications for Medicaid Beneficiaries Living with Severe Mental Illness
Amorim, Carrie
Poverty, Functional Limitations, and Depression Among Older Adults: Do Community Services Make a Difference?
Amorose, Anthony
Psychometric Properties of the Cayci College and Career Readiness Scale
An, Soonok
An Evaluation of Youth Financial Capability Program
TANF Application and Assessment Process That Victims of Domestic Violence Experience
Anastas, Jeane
Child Birth among Youth in Out of home Care
Anasti, Theresa
From Radical Advocacy to (Professional) Radical Service Provision: The Transformation of a Sex Worker Rights Organization
Anderson, Charity
An Examination of Low-Income Adult Students' Experiences in the Clemente Course in the Humanities
Anderson, Jeffrey A.
Caregiving for Youth with Co-Occurring Developmental Disabilities and Behavioral Health Issues When Facing Additional Health-Related Stressors: Analysis of Risk and Protective Factors from a National Sample
Anderson, Kim
African American Males Navigating Their Way to College: A Socio-Ecological Resiliency Model
Digital Storytelling As a Narrative Intervention for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
Abortion Decision-Making and the Impact of the 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period in Missouri
Anderson, Kristy
Using Administrative and Secondary Datasets to Advance Policy and Practice: Lessons from Disability Research
Anderson, Kristy
Autism Indicators: Using National Data to Examine Employment and Related Outcomes
Anderson, Maxine K.
Addressing Lgbtq Microaggressions in Social Work Field Education: A Case Study
Anderson, Steven G.
Depressive Symptoms and Associated Factors in Older Chinese Americans: A Comparison Between Community-Dwelling and Subsidized Housing Residents
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn
Psychometric Properties of the Cayci College and Career Readiness Scale
Intervention Testing and Development
Mentoring Youth
Key Social Agents As Predictors of Social Competence Development in a Sport-Based Positive Youth Development Program
The Examination of Student- and School-Level Outcomes Associated with the Adoption and Implementation of Community Schools
Andrade, Fernando
Gender Differences in the Longitudinal Association of Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors on Cigarette Smoking Among Chilean Adolescents
Andrade, Flavia
The Influence of Exercise on Cognitive Function in Older Hispanic/Latino Adults: Results from the ��Caminemos!� Study
Andrews, Christina
State Medicaid Benefits and Availability of Substance Use Disorder Services
Androff, David
Unfolding Refugee Crises
Preparing Social Workers for Environmental Sustainability
SIG: Human Rights & Social Work
Burmese Refugees in the US: Overcoming Oppression and Division through Community Participation
Angell, G. Brent
Utilizing Indigenous Pathways of Knowledge Transfer to Build Injury Free Communities
Ansbrow, Jacqueline
Implementing a Community-Based, Service-Coordination, and Delivery Intervention with Urban, Minority Parents
Ansong, David
The Influence of Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Educational Aspirations Among Junior High School Students in Ghana
Differential Effects of Household Assets on Students' Time Use
Taking Stock of the Education for All Initiative: A Spatial and Gender Perspective on Junior High School Graduation
Ansong, Eric
The Influence of Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Educational Aspirations Among Junior High School Students in Ghana
Taking Stock of the Education for All Initiative: A Spatial and Gender Perspective on Junior High School Graduation
Anthony, Elizabeth K.
The Ethnic-Racial Socialization of Multiracial Mexican Americans
Antle, Becky F.
Effects of a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Intervention, Love Notes, on Teen Pregnancies Among African American, Refugee, Foster and Lgbtq Youth
Antonopoulou, Vivi
The Role of Supervision As a Protective Factor Against Stress and Anxiety for Child Welfare Workers
Anyon, Yolanda
School-Wide Implementation of Restorative Justices: Lessons Learned from Three Schools
Strategies That Support Inclusion and Equity: Promising Practices from Schools with Low out-of-School Suspension Rates
Feasibility, Acceptability and Outcomes Associated with a Community-Based Photovoice Project with Homeless Youth
Aparicio, Elizabeth
Parenting Attitudes Among Maltreated Youth: Implications for Prevention Strategies
�My Body Is Strong and Amazing:� an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Embodied Experiences of Pregnancy and Birth Among Foster Youth
�It's Just Broken Branches�: Maternal Dual Experiences of Insecurity and Striving for Resilience in the Aftermath of Complex Trauma and Familial Substance Abuse�
Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care: The Impact of Sexual Orientation
Arakaki, Lola S.
The Association Between Mental Health Services Utilization and Mental Health Functioning Among Ryan White Clients Living with HIV in New York City
Arcara, Jennet
Guiding Social Work Research on Trafficking in Persons: Systematic Review Findings Concerned with Health and Well-Being
If Things Were Different in My Life: Structural Inequity and Childbearing Desires in Emerging Adulthood
Armstrong, Elizabeth M.
Building Bridges: Partner Violence, Substance Use, and Organizational Strategies for Navigating Competing Institutional Logics
Batterer Intervention Program Differences in Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Settings
Armstrong Richardson, Eprise
Predictors of Educational Outcomes for Foster Youth Who Received Independent Living Services in Indiana
Improving the Quality of Teaming from Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives
Arroyo, Karla
Doctoral Student Panel and Luncheon: Navigating the Academic Job Market
Arsham, Michael
Integrating Formative Evaluation with Implementation Science in Complex Child Welfare Systems
Arteaga, Stephanie
If Things Were Different in My Life: Structural Inequity and Childbearing Desires in Emerging Adulthood
Ascione, Frank R.
Examining Problem Behaviors in Latino/a Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence
Children's Exposure to Interparental Violence and Conflict: A Latent Class Analysis
Ashley, Olivia S.
United States Colleges' and Universities' Sexual Assault Policies and Consent Definitions: A Nationally Representative Investigation
Ashline, Jin�
Women's Experiences of Female Sexual Dysfunction As Reported at the Fda's Patient-Focused Meeting
Astor, Ron Avi
A Systematic Literature Review of the Associations Between Socioeconomic Background, Inequality, School Climate, and Academic Achievement
School-Related Experiences of Adolescents in Foster Care: A Comparison with Their High-School Peers
Adolescent Suicide Ideation: Schools Make a Difference
Atkins, Bonnie
Exit and Post-Exit Services for Victims of Human Trafficking: Ten Years of Intervention Research
Atuel, Hazel
Trauma, Race, and PTSD: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Adult PTSD and Childhood Genocide Exposure
Auerbach, Charles
Analyzing Multilevel Models with R
Factors Related to Not Following up with Recommended Screening in the Diagnosis of Newborn Hearing Loss
Managing Data with R
Auerswald, Colette
�I Got Nothing� � Findings from the Young Adult Photovoice Project Examining Food Insecurity Among Formerly Homeless Young Adults in San Francisco
Augsberger, Astraea
Identifying Practice Components of Youth Councils: Contributions of Theory
GIS Study of Youth Councils in the Boston-Metro Area
Social Capital and Civic Engagement: Are Youth Councils a Mechanism to Reduce and/or Perpetuate Social Inequality?
Youth-Led Participatory Budgeting in Municipal Government: Youth Perceptions and Experiences
Auslander, Wendy
Ethnic Identity As a Protective Factor for African American Girls in Child Welfare
The Impact of Trauma Exposure on Mental Health and Behavioral Problems in Adolescent Girls in Child Welfare: Moderating Effect of Resiliency
Perceptions of Trauma-Focused Mental Health Services for Adolescent Girls in Child Welfare
Types of Traumas and Mental Health and School Outcomes Among Adolescents in Orphanages: Evidence from South Korea
Austin, Ashley
Engaging in Clinically and Developmentally Informed Research with Sexual and Gender Minority Youth
Promoting Healthy Coping Skills Among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth: A Pilot Affirmative Cognitive-Behavioural Group Intervention
Austin, Michael J.
Strengthening Research and Practice on Organizations and Management: Building a New Research Agenda to Meet New Demands
Workshop: Building Capacity for Human Service Organizational and Managerial Research
Supporting Human Services Contracting through Cross-Sectoral Managerial Relationships
The Influence of Relational Contracting on Satisfaction with Contract Management
Ayers, Stephanie
The Relationship Between Bullying Behavior and Substance Use Among Mexican American Adolescents
Latino Parenting Profiles As Prospective Predictors of Adolescent Risky Behaviors
Buffering Effects of Positive Family and Peers Influences on Substance Use By Urban American Indian Adolescents
Parenting in 2 Worlds: A Parenting Intervention for Urban American Indians That Strengthens Families through Cultural Engagement
Gender Differences in Traditional Gender Role Norms and Substance Use Behaviors and Attitudes Among Adolescents in Mexico
Aykanian, Amanda
Provider Experiences Working with Highly Mobile Homeless Youth and Young Adults
Ay�n, Cecilia
Latino Parenting Profiles As Prospective Predictors of Adolescent Risky Behaviors
Latino Parenting Practices within an Anti-Immigrant Political Environment: Talking with Children about Race, Inequality, and Discrimination
Azhar, Sameena
HIV Stigma and Depression for Cisgender Women and Hijras/Transgender Women in Hyderabad, India