Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference - Ensure Healthy Development for all Youth: Roundtables


Thursday, January 12, 2017

1:30 PM-3:00 PM

Communities and Neighborhoods

[Roundtables] Community and Behavioral Health Approaches for Preventing Youth Violence and Improving Well-Being (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Mary Ohmer, PhD , Demi Kolke, MSW , Samantha Teixeira, PhD , Jaime Booth, PhD , Anita Zuberi, PhD , B. K. Elizabeth Kim, PhD , Valerie B. Shapiro, PhD and Tanya Sharpe

Violence against Women and Children

[Roundtables] Developing a Comprehensive Response to Sex Trafficking Among Child Welfare-Involved Youth (Riverview I (41st floor))
Speakers/Presenters: Nadine M. Finigan-Carr, PhD , Dean Duncan, PhD , Judy Krysik, PhD, MSW and Lauren Fischman, MSW

3:15 PM-4:45 PM

Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy

[Roundtables] Reckoning with Homelessness As a Grand Challenge: Expanding the Reach of Evidence-Based Approaches (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Deborah K. Padgett, PhD , Benjamin Henwood, PhD , Daniel B. Herman, PhD , Thomas Byrne, PhD and Kristin M. Ferguson, PhD

International Social Work & Global Issues

[Roundtables] Parenting Under Adversity: A Critical Analysis and a Future Agenda for Social Work Research and Practice Spanning Domestic and Global Contexts (Riverview I (41st floor))
Speakers/Presenters: Bree Akesson, PhD , Cindy Sousa, PhD, MSW, MPH , Maureen O. Marcenko, PhD and Jessica Rodriguez-JenKins, MSW, LICSW

Friday, January 13, 2017

8:00 AM-9:30 AM

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Roundtables] Are You Ready to Randomize? Evaluators and Program Providers Discuss Participating in Rigorous Evaluation (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Sarah Hurley, PhD , Marla McDaniel, PhD and Erika Van Buren, PhD

Child Welfare

[Roundtables] Advancing the Impact of Ecologically Oriented Research on Child Maltreatment Prevention (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Michael Hurlburt, PhD , Emily Putnam-Hornstein, PhD , Claudia Coulton, PhD , Katie Maguire Jack, PhD , David S. Crampton, PhD and Bridget Freisthler, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] Lessons Learned from Conducting Clinical Research within Military Settings (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Brooke Fina, MSW , Elisa Borah, PhD , Ellen DeVoe, PhD , Katherine A. Dondanville, PsyD and Jeffrey S. Yarvis, PhD

Social Work Practice

[Roundtables] Utilizing Telehealth Platforms to Scale and Disseminate Evidence Based Health Promotion and Prevention Strategies (Balconies M)
Speakers/Presenters: Dorian Traube, PhD , Nadia Islam, PhD , Benjamin Henwood, PhD and Hannah Thomson, LCSW

Violence against Women and Children

[Roundtables] Embedding Prevention Science into Social Work Research and Practice: Micro, Macro and Policy Level Changes to Support Healthy Youth Relationships (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Deinera Exner-Cortens, PhD, MPH , Lana Wells, MSW, RSW and Lianne Li, MA

9:45 AM-11:15 AM

Child Welfare

[Roundtables] Measuring the Prevention of Child Maltreatment (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Beth Gerlach, PhD , Monica Faulkner, PhD and Tania Jordanova, MPH


[Roundtables] Preventing Behavioral Health Problems in Young People By Unleashing the Power of Prevention (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Valerie B. Shapiro, PhD , Jeffrey M. Jenson, PhD and J. David Hawkins, PhD


[Roundtables] Social Determinants of Health and Effective Interventions for Optimal Youth Development: Recommendations from the IOM (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Jorge Delva, PhD and Darla Coffey, PhD

Mental Health

[Roundtables] Preventing Severe Mental Illness: A Grand Challenge for Social Work (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Shannon Blajeski, MSW , Jordan E. DeVylder, PhD , Shaun M. Eack, PhD , Ellen Lukens, PhD , Sapna J. Mendon, LMSW , Hans Young Oh, MSW and Jessica A. Wojtalik, MSW

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] Utilizing Indigenous Pathways of Knowledge Transfer to Build Injury Free Communities (Balconies M)
Speakers/Presenters: G. Brent Angell, PhD , Jessica North, MSW and Naomi G. Williams, MSW

1:45 PM-3:15 PM

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Roundtables] Progress and Challenges in Conducting Research with Hard-to-Reach Youth and Young Adult Populations (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Cassandra Simmel, PhD , Laura S. Abrams, PhD , Michele Munson, PhD and Angela Valdovinos D'Angelo, PhD

Child Welfare

[Roundtables] Translating Trauma Research into Child Welfare Implementation: The Intersect of Research and Front-Line Practice (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Angela Gwaltney, MSW , Joy Stewart, MSW and Dean Duncan, PhD

Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy

[Roundtables] Grounding Research, Teaching, and Practice in Innovative Theories of Social Justice (Balconies M)
Speakers/Presenters: Millan A. AbiNader, MSW , Margaret M.C. Thomas, MSW , Mihoko Maru, MSW , John Paul Horn, MSW and Kelsi Carolan, MSW

Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families

[Roundtables] Working with Veterans in the Community: The Role of Military Identity and Reintegration (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Kathleen G. Ray, PhD , Emily Feiner, MSW and Emily Strife, MSW

Social Work Practice

[Roundtables] The Complex Roles of the Qualitative Social Work Researcher: Ethics of Vulnerability and Researcher Identity (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Jessica Euna Lee, PhD, LSW , Jillian Graves, MSW and Rebecca Laster, MSW, LCSW

3:30 PM-5:00 PM

Child Welfare

[Roundtables] New Wine in Old Wineskins? the Adaptability of Child Welfare Services in the United Kingdom and Internationally to Developments in Policy and Research (Balconies L)
Speakers/Presenters: Trevor Spratt, PhD , John Devaney, PhD and David Hayes, PhD

Communities and Neighborhoods

[Roundtables] Considering the Role of Social Work Research in Addressing Contemporary Environmental Justice Challenges Impacting Youth and Communities (Balconies M)
Speakers/Presenters: Amy Krings, MSW, PhD , Shane Brady, PhD and Jason Michael Sawyer, PhD, MSW


[Roundtables] Research on Social Determinants of Health from a Transdisciplinary Perspective: Social Work and Nursing (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Ellen F. Olshansky, PhD and Hortensia Amaro, PhD


[Roundtables] The Value-Added of a Social Work Policy Perspective for Population Health (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Daniel P. Miller, PhD , Melissa L. Martinson, PhD , Heidi L. Allen, PhD and Christopher P. Salas-Wright, PhD

Organizations & Management

[Roundtables] Going to Scale: Disseminating Empirically Supported Social Work Interventions (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Rebecca J. Macy, PhD , Benjamin Henwood, PhD , Carrie Pettus-Davis, PhD , Daniel B. Herman, PhD and James Mandiberg, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] Anthropological Research in Social Work: Contributions, Challenges, Future Directions (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: John Mathias, MSW , Matthew D. Chin, PhD , Michael Kral, PhD , John L. Jackson, PhD , Tam E. Perry, PhD and Roxanna Duntley-Matos, PhD

5:15 PM-6:45 PM

Child Welfare

[Roundtables] Child Protection Across Borders: Comparing Policy and Systems (Balconies M)
Speakers/Presenters: Monica Lopez Lopez, PhD , Fred H. Wulczyn, PhD , Helen Bouma, MSC , Eric van Santen, PhD and Hans Grietens, PhD

Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy

[Roundtables] Competing Strategies to Reverse Extreme Economic Inequality (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Jennifer L. Romich, PhD , William Elliott, PhD , Julia R. Henly, PhD , Laura Lein, PhD , H. Luke Shaefer, PhD , Trina Shanks, PhD and Michael Sherraden, PhD

Organizations & Management

[Roundtables] Strengthening Research and Practice on Organizations and Management: Building a New Research Agenda to Meet New Demands (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Jennifer Mosley, PhD , Bowen McBeath, PhD , Erick Guerrero, PhD , Michael J. Austin, PhD and Karen M. Hopkins, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] University-Community Collaborations for Secondary Data Analysis: Moving Beyond Program Evaluation to Build the Profession�s Knowledge Base (Balconies L)
Speakers/Presenters: Elizabeth A. Bowen, PhD , James P. Canfield, PhD , Dana Harley, PhD and Amy K. Johnson, PhD

Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

[Roundtables] Evaluating SBIRT Training and Implementation: Challenges and Solutions (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Shauna P. Acquavita, PhD , Paul Sacco, PhD, LCSW , Kristen Gilmore Powell, PhD , N. Andrew Peterson, PhD , Peter Treitler, MSW and Joan M. Carlson, PhD

Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors

[Roundtables] Meeting the Grand Challenge of Reducing Alcohol Misuse and Its Consequences: A Roundtable Discussion (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Audrey Begun, PhD , Diana M. DiNitto, PhD and John D. Clapp, PhD

Saturday, January 14, 2017

8:00 AM-9:30 AM

Child Welfare

[Roundtables] The Adoption and Safe Families Act 20th Anniversary: Lessons Learned and Social Work�s Role in Leaning Forward (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Patricia D. Babcock, PhD , James Clark, PhD , Peter Pecora, PhD , Ginny Sprang, PhD , Leah Powell Cheatham, JD, MSW and Michael Wald, JD


[Roundtables] Promoting Healthy Development for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder during Key Transitions: A Life Course Perspective (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Lauren Bishop-Fitzpatrick, PhD , Sarah Dababnah, PhD, MSW, MPH , Sandra Maga�a, PhD , Leann E. Smith, PhD and Matthew J. Smith, PhD

Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration

[Roundtables] Ethics and Complex Realities of Knowledge Mobilization from Community-Based Participatory Research with Marginalized Communities (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Izumi Sakamoto, PhD and Ronald O. Pitner, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] Qualitative Research in Communities of Color: A Discussion of Challenges Experienced, Strategies Employed, and Lessons Learned (Balconies M)
Speakers/Presenters: Rosalyn Denise Campbell, PhD, LMSW , Y. Joon Choi, PhD , Mary Kate Dennis, PhD, MSW , Jennifer Elkins, PhD and Kristina Lopez, PhD

Research on Social Work Education

[Roundtables] Intervention Research Supporting Lgbtq Students in Field (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Shanna K. Kattari, MEd , Lori Messinger, PhD, MSW, MA , Antonia R.G. Alvarez, MSW , Carmen Logie, MSW, PhD and Rebecca Brigham, MSW

9:45 AM-11:15 AM

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Roundtables] If We Want to Ensure Healthy Development for Youth, Where Is Social Work in the Field of Suicide Research? (Balconies M)
Speakers/Presenters: Rebecca Sanford, MSSA, ABD, LCSW , Laura Frey, PhD , Jonathan B. Singer, PhD, LCSW , Laika Aguinaldo, MSW , Anthony Fulginiti, PhD , Sean Joe, PhD, LMSW and Kimberly H. McManama O'Brien, PhD, LICSW


[Roundtables] Privilege, Oppression, Diversity, and Social Justice: Understanding and Enacting Critical Intersectionality in Research (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Beth Glover Reed, PhD , Angela K. Perone, JD, MSW , Michael R. Woodford, PhD and Mieko Yoshihama, PhD

International Social Work & Global Issues

[Roundtables] Building Social Work�s Environmental Research Capacity (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Susan P. Kemp, PhD , Lisa Reyes Mason, PhD , Samantha Teixeira, PhD , Angela Fernandez, MSW and Lawrence Palinkas, PhD

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] Round Table on Arts Based Research in Social Work (Iberville)
Speaker/Presenter: Ephrat Huss, professor

Social Work Practice

[Roundtables] The Utility of Diversity, or Futility of Diversity: Supervising the Black Social Worker (Bacchus)
Speaker/Presenter: Warren K. Graham, MSW

2:00 PM-3:30 PM

Adolescent and Youth Development

[Roundtables] Mindfulness and Meditation Interventions for Youth: Exploring the Evidence Base (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Betsy L. Wisner, PhD, LMSW and Pamela A. Malone, PhD, LCSW

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] Recruitment of Minorities with Serious Mental Illness for Community-Engaged Research: Barriers, Strategies, and Rewards (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Caroline Sheng Foong Lim, MSW , Mercedes Hernandez, PhD , Lizbeth Gaona, MSW , Paula Helu-Brown, MS , Sapna J. Mendon, LMSW and Concepcion Barrio, PhD

Research on Social Work Education

[Roundtables] The Living Library: Developing Multicultural Competence through International Service Learning (Balconies M)
Speakers/Presenters: Tanya Greathouse, PhD, LCSW , J. Camille Hall, PhD, LCSW and Phyllis L. Thompson, PhD

School Social Work

[Roundtables] Bridging Practice and Research in a School-Based Mental Health Program: A Multi-Site Social Emotional Learning and Trauma-Informed Care Mixed Methods Program Evaluation (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Johanna Creswell B�ez, PhD, LCSW , Kristen J. Renshaw, LCSW , Lauren Bachman, LMSW/MPH and David Kim, LMSW

Social Work Practice

[Roundtables] A Mindful Dialogue on Mindfulness-Based Practice (Regent)
Speakers/Presenters: Jennifer Chappell Deckert, MSW , Guy Enosh, PhD , Jane F. Gilgun, PhD, LICSW , Annemarie Gockel, PhD , Amber Rae Kelly, PhD , Elijah C. Nealy, PhD, MDiv, LCSW , Sarah Kye Price, PhD , Constance Sheehan, PhD , Karen M. Staller, PhD and Sherry Lynn Warren, MSW

Sunday, January 15, 2017

8:00 AM-9:30 AM

Research on Social Work Education

[Roundtables] Roundtable on Reflective Practice to Ensure Healthy Development of Children: Preparing Social Work Students for Effective Practice with Children and Families (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Nucha Isarowong, PhD , Linda Gilkerson, PhD and Stephen Edward McMillin, PhD, AM (MSW)

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

[Roundtables] Engaging in Clinically and Developmentally Informed Research with Sexual and Gender Minority Youth (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Ashley Austin, PhD , Edward J. Alessi, PhD , Jeremy Goldbach, PhD and Shelley L. Craig, PhD, LCSW

Social Work Practice

[Roundtables] Strengthening Social Responses to Global Environmental Changes Grand Challenge: An Indigenous Approach (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Shanondora Billiot, MSW , Ramona Beltran, PhD , Ciwang Teyra, MSW , Angela Fernandez, MSW , Jessica C. Black, PhD , Danica Brown, MSW , Gyanesh Lama, PhD , Felicia Mitchell, PhD and Karina Walters, PhD

9:45 AM-11:15 AM

Communities and Neighborhoods

[Roundtables] Advancing a Community-Engaged Research Agenda to Address the Grand Challenge of Creating Social Responses to a Changing Environment (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: Jennifer Willett, PhD , Lisa Reyes Mason, PhD , Meredith Powers, PhD , Samantha Teixeira, PhD and R. Anna Hayward, PhD, MSW

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] Scraping for Change: Using Data Science Techniques to Gather Online Data for Social Work Research (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: John E. Sullivan, MSW , Catherine A. LaBrenz, MSW , Christopher P. Salas-Wright, PhD , Michael G. Vaughn, PhD and Brian Perron, PhD

Violence against Women and Children

[Roundtables] Sex Trafficking in the Digital Age: Contextualizing Challenges Associated with Establishing Prevalence Data (Iberville)
Speakers/Presenters: Brent Skaggs, MA , Jennifer Middleton, PhD , Shane Kimble, BS , Theresa Hayden, PhD and Michael Losavio, PhD

11:30 AM-1:00 PM

Research Design and Measurement

[Roundtables] University-Agency Data Partnerships: Candid Reflections and Lessons Learned (Bacchus)
Speakers/Presenters: Emily Putnam-Hornstein, PhD , Daniel Webster, PhD , Regan Foust, PhD , Shraddha Deshmukh, MS , Jonathan Hoonhout, BA and Wendy Wiegmann, MSW

School Social Work

Social Work Practice

[Roundtables] The Practical Application of Sexual Literacy to Social Work (Balconies N)
Speakers/Presenters: George Turner, PhD, MSW , Michael D. Pelts, PhD, MSW , Michelle G. Thompson, MS and Lisa Meyers, PhD, MEd, MSW